Last year 24 hours prior to the Liar's Masquerade we had a lot of fun. There was a costume contest, trivia, prizes, and my friends pitched in and ran some contests too. The "Player's Halloween Ball" or "Barovian Bash" is a 24 hour party for players by players. It has nothing to do with Cryptic Studios, Wizards of the Coast, or PWE. The idea is to meet up with friends and make some new friends as we have fun in the spooky atmosphere of Barovia. What says Trick or Treat better than ghosts, ghouls, witches, werewolves, and vampires? We do this 1 day prior to the Liar's Masquerade because it runs over the 31st and we all know people will be chasing down items elsewhere.
The To Do List
I would like to have more than one costume contest.
I would like to get an online DJ.
I need all of you to think up some crazy contests.
I need some party hosts. (For some reason I need sleep?)
If you cannot find fun within the campaigns, if the quests and dungeons are getting stale.... Let's make fun of our own! Plenty of time to plan ahead, post any of your ideas below. If you want to host a contest, let us know there is no hard commitment here. If you are new to the game, and below level 70, then now is the time to ask for assistance. Shout out below to get your hero to the party on time.
Last year I held 1 costume contest with 3 prizes for categories; sexy, horror, and funny. I would like to get input for two more categories (more winners) and I would like to have one contest per every 3 hours so people in other timezones are not excluded and attend. I live in the EST and so do many of my friends. I need people in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the West Coast to host some contests. Hosting is just grabbing some judges and having them pick the winners. If you read and write more than one language that would be great! I know a little German and Spanish but most of the time I cheat and use Google Translator.
Last year we had some hunts, we started off doing them for fun and prizes and continued just for fun. We had blargskull do a dance off and a Simon says type of game using the emote system. He was given away gold bars to winners. When I asked him for the character shot (seen above) he said, "No problem, I left him there in Barovia." Then after he sent me the screen shot, he tells me, "I still have more gold bars on him.".
Just noticed Sept. 10 - 17th is 2x campaign currency. Save your omens for more coins to make more AD. This will fetch me a lot of spare AD to buy prizes in the Auction House.
August 21st
Got all 8 of my people working Barovia collecting the omens. I will inspect my inventory and post what I will be making available for prizes. I was hoping to come here and see some ideas or maybe a few people interested in hosting contests. Now it is close to 2 months away. Put those thinking caps on!
This is what my prize bank looks like. I am still adding more to this list and I didn't post any quantities.
Abyssal Chickens (companion not the vanity pet)
Acquired Treasures Epic Companion Pack
Acquired Treasures Epic Mount Pack
Ambush Drake
Assassin's Enchantment, Rank 9
Astral Lockbox,
Azure Enchantment, Rank 9
Baphomet's Infernal Talisman
Barbed Insignia of Mastery
Bonding Runestone, Rank 7
Bonding Runestone, Rank 8
Brutal Enchantment, Rank 10
Buckskin Destrier
Companion Idle Slot Pack
Dark Enchantment, Rank 12
Dark Enchantment, Rank 9
Demonic Enchantment, Rank 14
Demonic Enchantment, Rank 9
Dragon's Hoard Enchantment, Rank 13
Dragon's Hoard Enchantment, Rank 9
Dread Enchantment, Rank 12
Empowered Runestone, Rank 9
Enchanting Stone, Rank 6
Enchanting Stone, Rank 6
Fey Blessing Enchantment, Rank 13
Fey Blessing Enchantment, Rank 8
Fireburst Enchantment, Rank 8
Gigantic Enchantment, Rank 13
Gigantic Enchantment, Rank 9
Glorious Resurgence Epic Artifacts Pack
Helmite Paladin Ghost
Infernal War Machine
Intellect Devourer
Lulu the Hollyphant
Magnificent Artifact Provisions Pack
Magnificent Strongbox of Enchantments
Mark of Potency, Rank 5
Mark of Potency, Rank 6
Mark of Potency, Rank 7
Profane Runestone, Rank 12
Professions Special Pack
Quartermaster's Enchantment, Rank 9
Rare Insignia Choice Pack
Recondite Runestone, Rank 9
Regal Insignia of Prosperity
Renegade Evoker
Soulforged Enchantment, Rank 12
Starry Sphere
Tactical Enchantment, Rank 9
Tenebrous Enchantment, Rank 13
Three Rare Insignia Pack
Thunderhead Enchantment, Rank 8
Tymora's Lucky Enchantment, Rank 12
Uncommon Insignia Choice Pack
Vicious Enchantment, Rank 10
Wasteland Epic Companion Pack
Wasteland Epic Mount Pack
Wicked Enchantment, Rank 8
Have fun!