Another Idea since heals were nerfed 80% as shown here. Would be to instead give DPS to healers for the 80% of outgoing heals lost. This way they would feel as if they are contributing to the party in some way if no longer able to give that boost on the healing side. This would then help maybe healers to still feel somewhat useful instead of struggling to keep up heals that are not longer effective.
they will not do it.
just to ask : our aoe heals decrease the magnitude by the number of player healed; why the dps aoe powers don't have the same mechanics? let them suffer like us, this is true equality and balance
but for dps the real challenge is on boss, so maybe they would suffer less for that type of mechanic.... so do the opposite? decrease the maglitude of your ST power the less target you hit.
doesn't make any sense? neighter do the one on aoe on healers, so again : tue equality and balance
as it is now i don't enjoy playing a healer, not because of the nerf (nerf come and go, or more precisely come and come again) but if post mod 16 the mechanics were berable, now they are not.