After using an encounter and it comes off cooldown for a second use, most of the time it goes back to a 2-3s cooldown, and this can sometimes happen twice. Not sure whether or not its a visual bug but this is one of, if not, the most annoying bugs on this paragon, it makes gameplay alot less fun as an arcanist.
Seriously not sure why its taking so long to fix.
Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?
Please let us know if this is even on the radar of being fixed, or if we are expected to learn to just live with it.
Thank you,
Talia (@krevg)
I have started recording 30-second videos from examples where this problem is very bad. I did this through the windows 10 'xbox game bar' (windows key + G). If mods know where best to upload to share with devs, and somebody has some pointers as to how to shorten these clips to the relevant moments, I can go over them and do that. If mods think that is helpful (I don't want to spend all that time without the issue being addressed).