hello so recently im having 2 big problems in my gameplay. 1 is that randomly my fps drop to like 10 or 5 and stay as that until i restart the game.
2 is that my at will (ray of frost) sometimes cancels and sometimes i can t even use it happens a lot when im on tomm i press the mouse button and he does a little of the animation and then stops and doesn t use it and then i need to press like 2 or 3 times for it to start working again pls can someone help?? this bug has happaned before in recent patches but went away im prety sure in a bug
Do you recall if you fps drop in certain zone/dungeons only? recall if you were linking certain items in chat?
As for Ray of frost, did the issue occur as you are spamming the encounter (ie multiple mouse click?). I experienced this sometime, a reset of keys via game options may help. Also if you are in ToMM, with so much going on, latency/lag will cause this animation/RoF bug. Also enemies ie Halaster that teleport around a lot seem to bug RoF, as it try to locate the enemies. Sometime my RoF animation goes crazy if Halaster was quickly dps and he teleport to start next phase. Next time just have your combat log screen up and check if it is animation issue but you are actually doing damage with RoF.