Please just pull this outright from the system . It has been a colossal failure .
Constantly there are massive amounts of instances that fail to spawn mobs . Lately the insurgencies are taking HOURS to complete - the rod farmers are propably loving it though . After all who doesn't want to farm hundreds of bosses for the possible chance for the rod to drop .
I mean , c'mon . It's RNG to hopefully get a boss to appear and then even more RNG to see if they will drop the required rod .
You watch the Zone chat and all they ask is for " invite to working insurgency " .
Also it's killing Avernus as there are multiple instances that somehow become a SEVERE LAGFEST where you can't even move .
All you can do is wait the 2 mins and then hopefully transfer to another instance and pray to the RNG gods that that one is not affected by lag either .
It's been going on for too long and needs resolved one way or another .
It can all be traced back to the initial hideous anacronism of a second mode for the mouse (ALT to reach otherwise accessible areas of the screen). Presumably a console thing, though it was considered bad design on PCs at least 20 years ago. As a result, you cannot target a member of a group effectively when in combat, so healing becomes largely AOE based. They can't tolerate that, so they nerf AOE healing (and make it most useful when on a single target (why? - what sort of twisted logic is this?) and introduce a clunky method for targeting a party member. Calling this a fancy name, making it depend on whether you tap, hold, or cling to a key for dear life, and dressing it up with pretty markers fails to hide the basic problem that would not exist if you could reliably target someone, or mouse over. Ah - but you can, of course, if they stand still, or they're dead.
It's all a great pity. There's a great game in there if only someone had the determination, the patience, and the perseverance to do the work.
Believer in SMASH
Fairplay,no bots , no bugs, and play well