The whisperknife paragon feat Shadow of Demise "While in Stealth, your encounter powers add the 'Shadow of Demise' effect to the target for 5 seconds. 30% of the damage you deal to this target is dealt again when Shadow of Demise expires." From how this is worded the expected functionality is that any target hit from stealth has the effect applied. This is not the case. As it currently functions Shadow of Demise can only effect 1 target at a time.
A sure fire demonstration of this:
1. Go to any set of target dummies.
2. Stealth and use Blade Flurry.
What is expected: Shadow of Demise is applied to all dummies hit.
Actual result: Shadow of Demise is applied to 1 of the dummies, seemingly at random.
If this is the intended functionality please add a note to the end of the tool-tip noting that Shadow of Demise can only apply to a single target at a time.