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Maze Engine Support the Factions : Vellosk bugged

bram00#7627 bram00 Member Posts: 3 Arc User

When I go to Vellosk to kill the 2 bosses that I need to , to complete the quest, following the quest line leads me to a pit where there should be something to click on to bring the 1st boss. It is not there. I have abandoned quest twice but I still cannot complete it. Thus I cannot go any further in Maze Engine Campaign. It has been like this for about 2 months. I have been doing other quests in the meantime.


  • rez090#5471 rez090 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Same here, the skull in the middle of the Totem Pit is supposed to be glowing to activate it but everytime I go there it isn't glowing, so the area is effectively blocking my progress. You can tell the area is screwed up because there are two wall parts of the pit that are missing, literally the enemies there are standing on nothing.
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