I "updated" my halfling character from the beta Halfling race to the new halfling which was the first mistake but, not only that but now I get this weird looking neck, and permanent brown shirt stuck on the skin like it's the skin itself bugged out. pls pls fix this neck is awful kthx.
A good idea for the future would be reintroducing the old halfling once again, but with the updated face visuals. A lot of people don't like this short legs/big torso halfling, me included. lmao
I had this on one char and my advice is to take a good screenshot of your character's face to use as a reference when recreating it.
I don't care for the 'new' halfling either, but it was a change likely mandated by WOTC to get away from 4th edition styling. Because of that, I doubt Cryptic could bring back the old look even if they wanted to.