The Unrivaled Alliance is looking for more players to fill the guilds. We offer guilds with a variety of boon combinations (crit sev, def, explorers. Etc.). We are nearly full with mostly GH20s.
We are an alliance that is committed to the game, helping and working with new players, and completing all end game content (including preparing for the upcoming Mod 19 Trial).
We have a very active, info filled Discord server. PvE runs for everything from Random Q to IC. Tons of PvP action and even in house PvP with guilds like Unrivaled and The Nation.
We also do regular Tomm Practice runs, Tomm completion runs, weekly events, contests with great prizes, IC melts, etc.
While we are end game capable, we welcome new players and encourage and help people progress and conquer end game content. Our goal is to help create a great community of players and bring people new ways to make friends and find buddies to play the game with.
Join us in one of our guilds. Reach out here or in PM for info or invites.
Thanks everyone, let's keep this game fun and awesome to play for a long time!