Just wondering what people think about the remove vote to kick option. (Or maybe limit it to special circumstances such as a player hasn't pressed any buttons for 90 seconds)
I ran a VT yesterday, our tank was a bit squishy and had some trouble holding agro. Might have been partly our top dps' fault as he would run ahead of the party pulling multiple groups and a few times die from it.
1/2 way through the dungeon a vote to kick out tank pops up, reason: harrassment.
On my screen the tank hasn't said anything in chat so I vote no and we continue and end up completing the dungeon.
Afterwards the tanks says "thanks guys, my first time through"
Man am I glad he didn't get kicked, but this got me wondering is this a really a good feature in the game? How often does this feature get abused by players who want to speed run their randoms rather than actually play with someone new?
If there were 3 'bad' players in the party and all 3 wanted to 'abuse' it, it was a bad party regardless.
The vote kick was well deserved, what reason was chosen is irrelevant as all of the available options are stupid and nobody looks at them anyway. You have a player performing badly and not communicating at all, you then find out they were completely new and didn't say anything and you think not kicking them was the right choice? This mentality is precisely why nobody likes or has any patience in random queues.
You have 2 options - perform well and talk as much ( or as little ) as you like or ask for advice if you think you will perform poorly or have no experience, anything else is disrespectful to the other people in your group. Randoms are not your buddies, they are not NPCs you can simply ignore and nobody wants to deal with you while they are trying to farm their daily AD so just do your job, immediately ask for advice if you can't or don't go in with randoms in the first place.
Until we got into the the courtyard with the portals. Then he started swearing at everyone because we weren't doing it the way he insisted. He left just before I initiated the vote kick.
So, no. There is a place for it beyond being idle for 90 seconds.
FFXIV doesnt have a timer outside the first 5 minutes of a dungeon, but they have way more active GMs to take care of abusive players.
They are quite strict about toxic player behavior there.
Also kick function as long as it exists will be abused by idiots, which just means we need decent GMs to enforce kicking for good reasons only.
In every MMO with any kind of challenge in the content ever, some people will insist on more dps than is actually required because they cant/dont trust others to learn and do mechanics properly. I finished a Cradle of the Death God this morning where we had half the party die a few times, given that our dps was WAY lower than it would have been had no one died- if no one had died we'd have wiped the floor with it in record time.
Please don't deter newer player base from playing or joining queues (more queues are better for the game!) just because more experienced 'elitist' characters don't like the way they play.
There is nothing elitist about not letting entitled players waste the team's time. Yes, i said entitled players which is exactly what anyone who joins random parties and expects to finish the content without contributing / knowing how to contribute is. You are not entitled to my ( or anyone else's ) time or effort just because you decided to press the join queue button, especially as a *support* player. Do your job or get kicked, simple as that.
I'm not deterring anyone from joining queues, i'm pointing out that if you want to play with other people you have to treat them like people. Stop being a bum and start communicating, we all did it when we were new which is how we know it works.
One side of the argument is someone inexperienced refuses to communicate and that is acceptable when playing with strangers, my side of the argument is no that is not acceptable. In fact, if the person the OP mentioned directly queue'd into VT with the idea of learning it and DID NOT SAY A WORD in chat that makes them look even worse and the kick even more deserved.
They were singled out for a reason and no that reason isn't those meanie elitists / speed runners / insert other term here. Stop trying to think of excuses for people that do not deserve to be saved by any. Random queues are a plague but as long as they remain in the game and are the main way for new / less geared players to obtain AD ( and they are the main source of income for most ) then get used to respecting the time of the strangers that have to deal with you for half an hour.
You can't solve this problem by removing. It will just shift the problem to another problem. The thing is Cryptic rarely ever thinks out the best solution, they go with simplistic solutions which don't completely fix the problem.
There are only a few options you can select for giving a reason why a party member should be kicked.
but that doesn't cover all the possible reasons why you would vote kick. So someone can be accused of being abusive when that isn't the reason someone is calling for a vote kick.
I bet 9 times out of 10 the real reason someone is being vote kicked is their character isn't performing up to the party standards. But even if I'm wrong on the portion, it points out a fundamental need for tiered content that is more suitable to the progression of a character rather than giving them only one option which threatens failure for other players who are suited to the dungeon.
You can make excuses, if you don't want to fail, don't pug dungeons, always make a premade. Sure this is one solution but it's not the best solution for all. It's just sweeping the actual problem under the rug making this argument.
There are other reasons why someone new to the content might choose to stay quiet.
- They are paying attention to what the others are doing and trying to learn.
- They are worried that as soon as they say, "I've never done this dungeon before," BAM! they get kicked.
- They're not sure yet what questions to ask (questions don't generally arise between bosses, but only when you get to a boss fight).
- They might have no idea what the boss fight is even like and won't know what to ask until they've seen it at least once.
- They're simply (gasp!) shy.
Calling them "entitled" is a grossly unfair generalization. How would you like it if people who thought so little of new players were all derided as, I don't know, "callous", "condescending", or even "elitist"? Let's knock it off. Everyone is different.
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