I recently swapped out mounts to get the Knight's Rebuke insignia bonus and have found a discrepancy with the heal over time compared to Barbarian's Revelry and Survivor's Blessing.
From ACT record's I am seeing fewer HPs healed per tick from Knight's than from the other two.
Knight's Rebuke provides 1.5% of your max HPs over 5 seconds, thw other two 1% of your max over 5 seconds.
I would expect Knight's Rebuke to provide more HPs healed per second not fewer than the others. Am I missing something?
I think most slot Barbarian's Revelry and Survivor's Blessing because it procs more, therefore more heals.
From ACT, Knight's Rebuke provides me 2279.7 HPs worth of heal per sec on proc, the others provide 7598.5 HPs per sec on proc.
Also, Knight's Rebuke proc'ed on me in the same range of times over the encounter.
Barbarian's Revelry proc'ed 177, Survivor's Blessing proc'ed 176, Knight's Rebuke proc'ed 169.