Guys, seriously I never failed a demogorgon in nearly 5 years. Now, in 2 days I failed 2 demogorgon. People attacking the illusions and not opening the portals. People opening random portals. People pushing goristro in black portals. People pushing demogorgon in the sanity pools attacking mobs and not attacking demogorgon. People attacking mobs and not attacking goristro. And I'm just talking about demogorgon... seriously.
I have a suggestion... a serious seggestion. There are a lot of useless things in neverwinter... useless equipment, useless artifact, useless reagents, useless mounts, useless quests and dungeons with useless rewards... 90% of the things inside neverwinter is outdated/useless, so please can you make at least 1... 1 thing usefull?
My suggestion is to make a tutorial for EVERY dungeon. A tutorial that is needed in order to unlock the specific dungeon.
In this tutorial people MUST do the same things that are needed for the actual dungeon. For the tutorial is needed the same amount of minimum item level of that dungeon. People must obtain a certain amount of points in order to complete the tutorial. Dps must do a certain amount of damage, healers must heal a mimimum of hitpoints and tank MUST make a different tutorial in order to learn what they should do and they must stay alive untill the end in order to complete the tutorial.
I know that this is an enormous amount of work but, serioulsy, you MUST do something about this queue. I'm sick of waiting even half an hour than failing the queue because of noobs. FIX THIS FU***NG QUEUE
Half an hour is not bad at all, seriously. Other MMO DPS queues are an hour+ for content, lol.
But in this day and age, the newer people should at least skin through a U Tube video to see whats going on but a lot of people are EXTREMELY new to mmorpgs and do not even know mechanics in a dungeon can be a HUGE thing.
Just sayin xD
I mean, I get it. As a veteran player I love speed runs, but it's unhealthy for new players that think the game is just super easy and about blowing through HAMSTER. Neverwinter has more fresh MMO players than any other MMO I've played. They need to learn and it doesn't help when everyone is blasting through stuff.
Half an hour 10k rad... do I need to make the calculations for the total of astral diamonds needed to upgrade a char from the item level below 10k to item level "something"? Are you serious?
Btw, I'm not talking about rushing the heck in every dungeon. I am exposing an effective problem. I don't think that waiting half an hour for a queue and making a dungeon in another half hour is something "not problematic". And I'm being positive. Right now, i just failed 2 consecutive codg in rtq because of people quitting from the very start of the dg.
Scaling system it's a minor problem now... it's not a problem but it's part of the problem compared to the entire queue system.
I play neverwinter since 2013. Neverwinter always had new players... ALWAYS. The first problem is the balance between new players and veteran players. In more than 6 years I always saw new players and every twenty new players there was a veteran one. This numbers are still actual now. In my guild I saw dozens and dozens of people starting to play from the beginning and than quitting after 1/2 weeks (in the best situation, 2/3 months). With the data of my guild and the other guilds in my alliance I can confirm this ratio. 1 veteran player (at least 1/2 years) every 20 new player (max 3 months).
In this moment in my guild there are nearly 4 veteran players and at least 100 new players. In this 100 I included people that quit the game.
In the past, everyone reported the fact that the game always supported new players. I'm not that kind of person. But this problem is still actual after a loooooot of time.
So, they can simplify or make the game more enjoyable for the new players or they can continue like this making neverwinter a game of "new players".
The design of early dungeons in this game is godawful to begin with. it should block progress until the group is gathered at -every- boss.