I have been running Stardock since mod 17 came out and still have not found one of the purple companion gear pieces (the Ivy Grown Grimoire more specifically). I have also done more WE runs during the day pugging groups in hopes of the last boss dropping the gear. At this point I am very discouraged and at a loss. I'm writing this forum post much like the last ones to say I am beyond frustrated and wish there was a change implemented to make sure people aren't running them ad nauseum and still not receiving them.
My suggestion would be a certain amount of Fragments you get from the FE completions could let you purchase a box that has all of them in it, much like the initial quest. Maybe instead of 4 Fragments, it's something higher like 8 or 12 to show the players are actually running them?
I know everytime I write about Stardock it kinda gets lost because there are so many other things being worked on and changed, but this is the one thing I'm stuck on and I know quite a few others who are in the same boat.
Each bag have one from 4 companion equipment options, where type is "book", "choker", "sword's knot" or "ring".
Or hybrid both ideas, leaving mixed stats box of choice to random drops, and single stats items to repeatable Stardock.
On the other hand, maybe implement option to get those gear as choice in next mod seal shop or something like that or put in it missed in Stardock stats combination companion items.
Next options is to remove BTA from them or put them into skirmishes as next mod hits.