over 2 days ago i submitted a ticket to get some help with an item. I had no idea i could not refine the watcher artifact set i worked so hard for on another charecter. I gave my fighter watcher weapon to my pally so he could refine with his points. Even though its not able to be equiped it some how bound to him. I was hoping that a game with that is so expensive to play would at least have the customer service to restore items. I have since then found another fighter artifact weapon. Should i start refining it and unlocking or wait how long for customer service to respond. I got an email saying they received my request but that's it. If this was any other MMORPG game like WOW GW2 FF14 they would have restored my item in less then 24 hours. Its almost impossible to imagine a game so expensive like this cant even accomplish the smallest customer service request.
Anyhow, I don't think they'll be restoring it. IIRC you get a specific dialog warning you that the item will be bound to the character if you refine it.