Please remove this trial from the Random Trial Queue. It is just too hard for the random groups that queue for it. I cannot even finish this queue when this trial is present, I have yet to finish it in random queue. Every time, it is a fail.
lantern22Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,111Arc User
I've finished it more often than not. Yes it more painful than other trials, but it doesn;t need to be removed.
Really, if you remove it, there will be many players who don't get exposed to it. The rest of us need to suck it up and deal with the fact that we might not finish it.
Asking to remove something from the random list most likely will not happen unless that dungeon is completely broken or bugged so badly they have no other choice but to remove it until fixed then it will be added back. What I mean is it is a bit of a waste of time to ask to remove any dungeon from any random because well not going to happen.
Asking to remove something from the random list most likely will not happen unless that dungeon is completely broken or bugged so badly they have no other choice but to remove it until fixed then it will be added back. What I mean is it is a bit of a waste of time to ask to remove any dungeon from any random because well not going to happen.
Simply not true, both CR, Lomm were not in REDQ and CODG was not in the trial queue the entire mod 17. There was nothing wrong with these dungeons during mod 17 yet they had been removed from the random queue list.
They removed dungeons temporally from list due excessive exploits (and bugs).
It's a normal thing that relatively older dungeons are going to be added to these random lists (as we have seen it many times in the past) However, Devs were too weak in the past to stand their ground by complying each time at demands from the everlasting complain legion. Luckily this trend has changed and players have to take the game as it is, and adopt to the new situation (which is not hard to do, imho).
Problem is that we have currently a new breed of players running around from which a big part can be called as Clueless players. Those players are poisoned with the Ilevel hype in their race to endgame content, while they lacking the needed stats to survive such content and blame the tanks and healers (and Cryptic) for their own demise.. Players who simply denounce advises from older players (who the heck are those elitits anyway to tell me what to do) because the mechanics in dungeons are not for them.
Then we have a relatively small group of people who is trying to spew their poison in this forum (and the feedback forum) over and over again with same topic, to them I want to advise to take a laywer in hand (like Mr. "Stormy" Avenatti) and sue Cryptic for not complying to their demands in a free to play game as NWO.
As for Mr.chemjeff. Cryptic should create a special random list for him, a list stripped for all dungeons and trials mr. chemjeff finds difficult and only leave the very basic easy ones in list (for economical reasons)...
Bottomline is that players should look in the mirror and checking their own stats and considering if they are capable to survive in endgame dungeons. Players should take time to look at the mechanics of different dungeons (many available on YouTube) before running in like headless chickens, and blame everyone and everything for their own actions. Work on your character every day, like I did (and still do)
All I will say is in response is this. When I hit level 70 way back many many years ago and when I was going to try a dungeon out my first time I did not wish to be that new kid in that dungeon scratching my head going what is going on here? I also did not wish to be one that had to be carried. I watched videos of a dungeon run to get a general idea of what will come my way. I looked at my stats studied my toon understood what was needed for me to do and I did just that. Once I was actually read I then queued up. Now cradle it is a different story because of the mechanic at the actual boss. This mechanic was hard to get the skill of only having a few minutes to understand just how to do it. There was videos but they was not that great and as many know seeing a video vs doing it are different. However after failing many times I did get the hang of it. Still yet I did take the same strat as I did when I first ran a dungeon. I looked at my stats watched a video understood then I queued. Sure people do not wish to do this but some times it does pay off in the long run to watch a video and understand things. You are right at the start cradle was in its own queue but over time it did get moved into a que with other trails. same thing went with cr it was once in its own queue but then got moved into a que with other dungeons. Asking to remove a dungeon from any queue just is not going to happen. So really why bother asking?
I dont think scaling on codg ever got fixed because even with just 1 well geared dps, codg can be finished in a breeze, given that the mechanics were done properly.
with the addition of falling down the stage not taking you out of the fight just yet(now you can die and retry for 5 times or so? if you have scrolls or get revived by a teammate), i really think this trial has gone downhill, making it way way easier than what i think its supposed to be. and with these changes on not having the whole team wipe when people fall off the cliff is very forgiving.
maybe try it again now, it is so much easier to see the mechanics and learn it as you play it.
If a team is understanding with a new player then that new player could commit suicide and click the middle of the platform and watch as each single mechanic will be shown. I feel that is really the reason the team decided to add that to the middle of the platform to start with. So if your a new player and you die to the push pull perhaps instead of going afk while the team finishes click that middle area and watch and perhaps as you watch your see and understand how to preform that mechanic successfully so that your next try out your have a better idea of what to do.
We had back to back CODGs from RTQ today, we struggle at elevator but managed and boss fight was a mess but we completed both runs. Clearly a few inexperienced players but that is to be expected from RTQ.
Rewards was awesome, someone in group got 4x UES and another got epic manticore mount.
CODG should stay in RTQ, it is not that bad as some people exaggerate it to be.
We had back to back CODGs from RTQ today, we struggle at elevator but managed and boss fight was a mess but we completed both runs. Clearly a few inexperienced players but that is to be expected from RTQ.
Rewards was awesome, someone in group got 4x UES and another got epic manticore mount.
CODG should stay in RTQ, it is not that bad as some people exaggerate it to be.
It's not an exaggeration. I have personally seen how bad it can get and its more often than not. One time I queued in and they had already started, I was obviously pulled in after someone left. So I looked at the crystal ball and they were at phase one with the skulls and they didn't get a single hit on the boss for 15 minutes. I would see people who were linked to the skull freak out and turn around and attack it sending it flying in the wrong direction. This is just one example of many.
Yesterday I got CR 5 times in a row queuing for REDQ, so much for "random". I wish my RNG was that good on loot. Four out of those five queues failed even though I tried to make an effort to teach those who were new.
CR, Lomm and Codg should be in its own category higher than REDQ and give more rewards because they take longer when its filled with new players. That is, if they should even been in random queues at all..
@krumple01 We all have our fair share of bad randoms, this post is about CODG, so I will not touch the disastrous CR topic. I choose to disagree with the OP because as bad as it can get, it can also be okay/good. The op request CODG to be removed from RTQ, without alternative suggestions like you have made. It would be even bette if they add another Q level for CODG/CR/LoMM/etc, more daily ADs/Fallen seals!
People exaggerate their frustrations to the point of ruining the experience for other who wants CODG to remain in RTQ. When my Alliance group for RTQ, we celebrate if we got into CODG, even if we failed it is more fun than SVA/Tia/Demo. I am just presenting my thoughts and experiences.
@krumple01 We all have our fair share of bad randoms, I choose to disagree with the OP because as bad as it can get, it can also be okay/good. The op request CODG to be removed from RTQ, without alternative suggestions like you have made.
People exaggerate their frustrations to the point of ruining the experience for other who wants CODG to remain in RTQ. I am just presenting my thoughts and experiences.
I have gone an extra step here.
I have suggested they make 2 versions of all the dungeons and trials and make them a required quest driven hurdle everyone needs to go through before Random queues are even unlocked.
So for example, a training queue must be completed 2 or 3 times for CoDG but in this version, the monsters are reduced and the mechanics are not one shots. Also to prevent veteran players from speed running for quick rewards, there are no rewards in these training queues. Why not just not allow veterans into training runs? Because they might be asked to help teach on the side so they help those new players running their training runs.
This can be account based unlocked. So you only need to run this quest once per account. Once they are done, you can freely queue for random queues.
The purpose is to force players down the route of gaining experience. That is why its more than 1 run per dungeon/trial. Because in 1 run, they might not have learned anything. So it needs to be greater than 1 run required.
I know players don't like being forced down a road where there are no rewards. But trust me the reward is in the other end when you at least know every player had to go down that path to reach the ability to queue for randoms. You know they at least have a base level experience of the dungeon. No need to explain anything, they have already seen it.
@krumple01 I think your post above deserved it own new topic/post. I agree with your post and it would make a great future CDP suggestion if not yet discussed.
I did my first ever CODG the other day. Not sure what happened but we wiped at some point early on. I mentioned it was my first time a couple of times. Zero response. But the wipe reason? I have no idea, I seemed to end up on my own fighting a shed load of mobs...
Second CODG we go to the skulls phase and I watched the mechanics. It took probably 10 minutes plus to get through that phase, maybe 15 mins. No idea how hard it is to move the skulls to the correct location... simple as Many Coins orb phase?
We got to the cutting the cords bit - easy peasy.
Final boss, we got it down to 80% health then there was a wipe caused by pull/push? Not sure...
SO by now we are about 25 mins in and I had to log. The DPS damage to the final boss seemed very slow/low. I could see that phase taking a LONG time.
Altogether an enjoyable experience, something different at least. Leave it where it is, like Svardbourg, people will learn.
CoDG is fine in RTQ. Prior to it being there I had only been able to run it once, and I just watched the rest of the group steamroll it while learning nothing. Now that it is in RTQ I've run it several times with guild/allies and PuGs- and I now understand the elevator mechanics and I have learned the push/pull.
Most runs now that I am in that get CoDG are now successful - and as more people play and learn the odds of the run being successful will only improve.
When the last phase of the elevator starts, you have 2 mins to gum up the gears using the gelatinous cubes. Failure to do so results in the elevator crashing at the bottom of the shaft. This is why having people who won't read chat is so bad. A 'clueless' DPS in the middle will wipe the raid.
The second occurs when the Atropal reaches 25% health. Acerack will manifest on the platform and begin charging the Atropal. You must drive him off by reducing his HP down, not sure the exact number. If he finishes channeling, the resulting Cry of the Atropal can't be blocked by the Trickster Gods and everyone dies. This is why people falling off and getting Revive Sickness wipes the raid. Even if lots of people are left, too many sickness stacks and they aren't doing much damage to Acerack.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
When the last phase of the elevator starts, you have 2 mins to gum up the gears using the gelatinous cubes. Failure to do so results in the elevator crashing at the bottom of the shaft. This is why having people who won't read chat is so bad. A 'clueless' DPS in the middle will wipe the raid.
The second occurs when the Atropal reaches 25% health. Acerack will manifest on the platform and begin charging the Atropal. You must drive him off by reducing his HP down, not sure the exact number. If he finishes channeling, the resulting Cry of the Atropal can't be blocked by the Trickster Gods and everyone dies. This is why people falling off and getting Revive Sickness wipes the raid. Even if lots of people are left, too many sickness stacks and they aren't doing much damage to Acerack.
How do you gum up the gears using the gelatinous cubes? I assume you don't kill them but move them somewhere?
At that point I think I was just surrounded by mobs and couldn't see anything about what was going on!
How do you gum up the gears using the gelatinous cubes? I assume you don't kill them but move them somewhere?
Well you sort of answered your own question. The cubes start in the middle when they spawn. They will attach themselves via green line link. This person is the only one who can move them towards the gears. Which is why people say, ONLY one person should stand in the middle. It prevents some DPS going afk from getting the link and just standing there. So dps move off to the corners so they can lure the trash mobs that spawn and prevents damaging the cube too soon.
At that point I think I was just surrounded by mobs and couldn't see anything about what was going on!
Yeah that can happen but good not to use aoe and all you need to look for is the glowing green cube. Once its up you don't need to attack until the cube is moved. It's not like it's a dps race against the clock to kill everything as quick as possible. Just take care not to kill the cube too soon is the only thing that is important. Those trash mobs can wait to die..
The second occurs when the Atropal reaches 25% health. Acerack will manifest on the platform and begin charging the Atropal. You must drive him off by reducing his HP down, not sure the exact number. If he finishes channeling, the resulting Cry of the Atropal can't be blocked by the Trickster Gods and everyone dies. This is why people falling off and getting Revive Sickness wipes the raid. Even if lots of people are left, too many sickness stacks and they aren't doing much damage to Acerack.
It is even worse than that. By time Acerack appears, there aren't enough players left to kill him, because too many had received 5+ revive sickness stacks and are dead-dead. Last time I solo queued for RTQ and got Cradle, by time Acerack appeared, there were only 4 players left on the platform, and 2 were tanks. Obviously we failed.
At this point I think Cradle should just be deleted from the game.
The second occurs when the Atropal reaches 25% health. Acerack will manifest on the platform and begin charging the Atropal. You must drive him off by reducing his HP down, not sure the exact number. If he finishes channeling, the resulting Cry of the Atropal can't be blocked by the Trickster Gods and everyone dies. This is why people falling off and getting Revive Sickness wipes the raid. Even if lots of people are left, too many sickness stacks and they aren't doing much damage to Acerack.
It is even worse than that. By time Acerack appears, there aren't enough players left to kill him, because too many had received 5+ revive sickness stacks and are dead-dead. Last time I solo queued for RTQ and got Cradle, by time Acerack appeared, there were only 4 players left on the platform, and 2 were tanks. Obviously we failed.
At this point I think Cradle should just be deleted from the game.
Deleted is a bit extreme. They just need to go back to the advanced epic queue. Put CR and Lomm in it and for trials put CoDG in the advance Trial queue. Set the item level requirement higher and give higher rewards. Keep the newbs out of going in those.
Thanks for the help - I pugged CotDG last night and we finished it in under 10 minutes [that seems really fast to me?].
There was someone with awesome DPS in the team, the skull phase was over really fast, cubes were squashed in the corners, I died twice on push pull, but nearly got it right. All said it was fun and over quickly.
Yeah this is maybe the exception, but people just need to watch whats going on and learn
I died twice on push pull, but nearly got it right.
I cannot remember the last time I fell off the platform, but in my last CoDG, I thought I saw people fall off the platform and later see them back on the platform again. I thought I was just seeing things. Are they now reviving players back on the platform?
I died twice on push pull, but nearly got it right.
I cannot remember the last time I fell off the platform, but in my last CoDG, I thought I saw people fall off the platform and later see them back on the platform again. I thought I was just seeing things. Are they now reviving players back on the platform?
Now, if you "fall off" the platform, you return to it in a downed state.
Really, if you remove it, there will be many players who don't get exposed to it. The rest of us need to suck it up and deal with the fact that we might not finish it.
tbh its not that hard
What I mean is it is a bit of a waste of time to ask to remove any dungeon from any random because well not going to happen.
It's a normal thing that relatively older dungeons are going to be added to these random lists (as we have seen it many times in the past)
However, Devs were too weak in the past to stand their ground by complying each time at demands from the everlasting complain legion.
Luckily this trend has changed and players have to take the game as it is, and adopt to the new situation (which is not hard to do, imho).
Problem is that we have currently a new breed of players running around from which a big part can be called as Clueless players.
Those players are poisoned with the Ilevel hype in their race to endgame content, while they lacking the needed stats to survive such content and blame the tanks and healers (and Cryptic) for their own demise..
Players who simply denounce advises from older players (who the heck are those elitits anyway to tell me what to do) because the mechanics in dungeons are not for them.
Then we have a relatively small group of people who is trying to spew their poison in this forum (and the feedback forum) over and over again with same topic, to them I want to advise to take a laywer in hand (like Mr. "Stormy" Avenatti) and sue Cryptic for not complying to their demands in a free to play game as NWO.
As for Mr.chemjeff.
Cryptic should create a special random list for him, a list stripped for all dungeons and trials mr. chemjeff finds difficult and only leave the very basic easy ones in list (for economical reasons)...
Bottomline is that players should look in the mirror and checking their own stats and considering if they are capable to survive in endgame dungeons.
Players should take time to look at the mechanics of different dungeons (many available on YouTube) before running in like headless chickens, and blame everyone and everything for their own actions.
Work on your character every day, like I did (and still do)
Zerg era is history, deal with it.
I also did not wish to be one that had to be carried.
I watched videos of a dungeon run to get a general idea of what will come my way. I looked at my stats studied my toon understood what was needed for me to do and I did just that.
Once I was actually read I then queued up.
Now cradle it is a different story because of the mechanic at the actual boss. This mechanic was hard to get the skill of only having a few minutes to understand just how to do it.
There was videos but they was not that great and as many know seeing a video vs doing it are different.
However after failing many times I did get the hang of it.
Still yet I did take the same strat as I did when I first ran a dungeon.
I looked at my stats watched a video understood then I queued.
Sure people do not wish to do this but some times it does pay off in the long run to watch a video and understand things.
You are right at the start cradle was in its own queue but over time it did get moved into a que with other trails.
same thing went with cr it was once in its own queue but then got moved into a que with other dungeons.
Asking to remove a dungeon from any queue just is not going to happen. So really why bother asking?
with the addition of falling down the stage not taking you out of the fight just yet(now you can die and retry for 5 times or so? if you have scrolls or get revived by a teammate), i really think this trial has gone downhill, making it way way easier than what i think its supposed to be. and with these changes on not having the whole team wipe when people fall off the cliff is very forgiving.
maybe try it again now, it is so much easier to see the mechanics and learn it as you play it.
I feel that is really the reason the team decided to add that to the middle of the platform to start with.
So if your a new player and you die to the push pull perhaps instead of going afk while the team finishes click that middle area and watch and perhaps as you watch your see and understand how to preform that mechanic successfully so that your next try out your have a better idea of what to do.
Rewards was awesome, someone in group got 4x UES and another got epic manticore mount.
CODG should stay in RTQ, it is not that bad as some people exaggerate it to be.
Yesterday I got CR 5 times in a row queuing for REDQ, so much for "random". I wish my RNG was that good on loot. Four out of those five queues failed even though I tried to make an effort to teach those who were new.
CR, Lomm and Codg should be in its own category higher than REDQ and give more rewards because they take longer when its filled with new players. That is, if they should even been in random queues at all..
People exaggerate their frustrations to the point of ruining the experience for other who wants CODG to remain in RTQ. When my Alliance group for RTQ, we celebrate if we got into CODG, even if we failed it is more fun than SVA/Tia/Demo. I am just presenting my thoughts and experiences.
I have suggested they make 2 versions of all the dungeons and trials and make them a required quest driven hurdle everyone needs to go through before Random queues are even unlocked.
So for example, a training queue must be completed 2 or 3 times for CoDG but in this version, the monsters are reduced and the mechanics are not one shots. Also to prevent veteran players from speed running for quick rewards, there are no rewards in these training queues. Why not just not allow veterans into training runs? Because they might be asked to help teach on the side so they help those new players running their training runs.
This can be account based unlocked. So you only need to run this quest once per account. Once they are done, you can freely queue for random queues.
The purpose is to force players down the route of gaining experience. That is why its more than 1 run per dungeon/trial. Because in 1 run, they might not have learned anything. So it needs to be greater than 1 run required.
I know players don't like being forced down a road where there are no rewards. But trust me the reward is in the other end when you at least know every player had to go down that path to reach the ability to queue for randoms. You know they at least have a base level experience of the dungeon. No need to explain anything, they have already seen it.
Second CODG we go to the skulls phase and I watched the mechanics. It took probably 10 minutes plus to get through that phase, maybe 15 mins. No idea how hard it is to move the skulls to the correct location... simple as Many Coins orb phase?
We got to the cutting the cords bit - easy peasy.
Final boss, we got it down to 80% health then there was a wipe caused by pull/push? Not sure...
SO by now we are about 25 mins in and I had to log. The DPS damage to the final boss seemed very slow/low. I could see that phase taking a LONG time.
Altogether an enjoyable experience, something different at least. Leave it where it is, like Svardbourg, people will learn.
Most runs now that I am in that get CoDG are now successful - and as more people play and learn the odds of the run being successful will only improve.
When the last phase of the elevator starts, you have 2 mins to gum up the gears using the gelatinous cubes. Failure to do so results in the elevator crashing at the bottom of the shaft. This is why having people who won't read chat is so bad. A 'clueless' DPS in the middle will wipe the raid.
The second occurs when the Atropal reaches 25% health. Acerack will manifest on the platform and begin charging the Atropal. You must drive him off by reducing his HP down, not sure the exact number. If he finishes channeling, the resulting Cry of the Atropal can't be blocked by the Trickster Gods and everyone dies. This is why people falling off and getting Revive Sickness wipes the raid. Even if lots of people are left, too many sickness stacks and they aren't doing much damage to Acerack.
At that point I think I was just surrounded by mobs and couldn't see anything about what was going on!
At this point I think Cradle should just be deleted from the game.
There was someone with awesome DPS in the team, the skull phase was over really fast, cubes were squashed in the corners, I died twice on push pull, but nearly got it right. All said it was fun and over quickly.
Yeah this is maybe the exception, but people just need to watch whats going on