Im addressing the "tamed velociraptor fix" and now the "Alpha compy" bug i totally understand and agree of course the raptor needed fixing for a longtime it wasnt working as intended and as it should be with being solo getting the full x5 stack of 2k power so but after "fix" doesnt give more than 2k power at all even in full group so i went and spent everything i had and bought a compy theres my 10k power back but now compy has bug when u die or move zone you losing power..o.0 .i believe that the raptor "fix" was nothing more than you actually havent worked out the code wateva for it to go from 2k-10k power depending on group members so you just gave it a flat 2k until u hope u can work it out or this you knew already and thats why it was left this way so long but we have too much "power" to throw around apparently is what ive been hearing and in future caps will be that hard to juggle we wont be able to make all comp bonused power etc im upset bcoz i paid 8mill for a compy and stripped my tanks enchants insigs and sold them to get compy and now thats broken..
Whats next we log in and our all our power stats and bonuses are halved? Chris said cross-platform is a yes would love to but the cost is preventing it happening and ppl in enclave complaining about q times and cant find support roles...its bad unbann the ghunt fiasco players they comebak their friends who werent banned but left bcoz had no friends on anymore comeback doesnt cost you a dime gets all the player base back win win for everyone and your income will increase no doubt its the logical step from here with the new going forward cryptic and the new dialogue/transparency initiative which is awesome btw..i want this game we all do who love it to be what chris wants it to achieve being the best mmorpg i stay positive and always hopeful that neverwinter will get its groove on again