Instead of providing the 25% damage increase as stated by the tooltip, the artifact provides 20% dmg increase. someone knows how to link the image into this thread, it will be much appreciated.
So as you can see, 23:35:45 is the first Forgemaster's flame (FF) after SSC is used. The damage is 12391.7k with crit and 6k without crit.
SSC ends at 23:35:55. The next FF is at 23:36:06 without SSC buff and does 5007.3k without crit and 10340 with crit. Do the maths and see it for yourself.
This is tested on preview only, but i am 100% sure the live version of SSC is basically the same and hence has the same issue.
EDITE: Just tested on live and yep, it gives only 20% of dmg unless i am testing it wrong, so any other testers would be appreciated.
Could also be a bug tough. Thanks for reporting.
When i get back home, i can try testing with no dmg buffs.
1000 x 1.39= 1390 3+3+3+5+25
1140 x 1.2 = 1368
So ye, not bugged. Just the additive buff formula. the more percentage buffs you have, the less they actually give you