I don't mean to sound too negative, but I do have some questions about some changes that are going live today. Hopefully they will answer some of them during the launch stream.
Arcanist seemed to already be the weaker of the two Wizard paths. I wonder why it was the only build nerfed. Not only were some of the powers nerfed directly, it was one of the few classes that didn't get a damage increase.
What exactly does this phrase mean:
"This is a refresher of the changes since the last time this instance was in the Random Queue." Looks like they increased the difficulty of whichever dungeon they put this in front of. Were they too easy after they were removed from randoms?
They're increasing Strahd's damage again. Seems like nobody was doing Castle Ravenloft because it was unbalanced: Sisters and Arcolith were too easy, Strahd was too hard because he was doing too much damage. Why are they INcreasing his damage again, and not decreasing it?