In CDP Style I would like to propose a change to Stardock:
Feedback Overview:
Allow players to receive Companion Gear Jewelry Box (you choose which gear piece you want) continuously after the first play through for more Fragments of Zerthimon than the original play through (so instead of 4 Fragments total, lets say 8).
Feadback Goal:
Right now players are just racking up Fragments of Zerthimon with no real reason to continue the WEs/FEs after the initial 2 week playthrough. This would both allow players to get the companion gear of their choosing while also getting prizes for the Fragments they receive after the initial playthrough. Alternatively, since new Mods will be coming out, players might need to switch companion gears and this is an easier way to do it than to continuously go through WEs over and over in hopes of receiving pieces through RNG.
Feedback Functionality:
Pretty straight forward, allow players to "purchase" the Jewelry Box from either the Stardock Vendor or in the "Store" tab for Undermountain.
Risks & Concerns:
I can see other players using this system to get the best gear for all their alts by using just their main toon, but so what? I think if players are running the quests, they should get some sort of gear for it and not have to just hope for the best with RNG. Maybe players might find a way to exploit buying the chests? To fix this they could be BtC or BtA.
My main reason for writing this post (again) is because I am super frustrated. I personally have been running Stardock everyday for the last few months in hopes of finding ONE last piece of gear and I cannot for the life of me get it to drop. I have over 22 Fragments of Zerthimon (11 of one, 11 of another) and I was hoping maybe i could use these to finally get the piece of gear I need.
Im frustrated you guys, so frustrated. I would spend so much AD or Zen to get this gear piece right now, because it has eluded me, and yet I cannot, it has to be earned and I already feel like I've done the work to receive it. Alternatively it scares me for the future with Mod 18 around the corner. What if I need three NEW pieces of companion gear once I slot in gear from Infernal Descent? Granted I am saving up all the purple gears I get now, but I don't have them all. Am I going to have to run another 22 weeks + worth of Stardock to get new pieces? That sounds wasteful!
You know you can farm MEs for a shot to get those pieces from the Zok boxes (possibly the quest turn in too but I don't remember 100%).
I agree that it seems like lost potential with FEs though. The main reason to run them are for the shirt and pants you want though. Once you have that you can go back to the exciting world of MEs.
I do like your idea of getting some use out of the fragments though. The monotonous grind of recon, WEs, FEs, rinse, repeat is old.
Walked away.
Ran some MEs got some more stuff I thought was ok over a two month period.
Walked away.
With new mods coming its really not worth it to me to grind anything really [that's my playstyle/choice].
But yes give the fragments some meaning even if its to get an epic mount/companion/artefact or something as suggested by the OP. And why not let players choose a pieve after some hard work?