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Twilight Run Issue?

joe7777joe7777 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
Not sure if this is just a visual bug or I'm actually being robbed of Gold rank, but I've seen others get Gold from Rankings when I didn't win 1st so...


  • autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,141 Arc User
    That's the copper reward IIRC so looks like you were robbed. I am getting this type of result in about half of the contests participate in across all the campaigns that offer them.
    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
  • rey007#5400 rey007 Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    I had a similar situation (didn't record it) occur to me as well during the Celebration of Lliira event for the "Light up the Night" contest in Protector's Enclave. I moved to a less populated instance and I didn't come in first even though I was the only person listed on the scoreboard. My guess is you are competing with the whole map of players as opposed to the instance only? Maybe a moderator or a developer can let us know if this is working as intended or not.
    - Rey

    - in umbra igitur pugnabimus!
  • joe7777joe7777 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    It only occurs to me in Twilight Run. I do not recall seeing it in any other contests in other events but if it does happen I will report it, but since I do not have this happen to me in Monsters on Ice or Fishing Contest it is an individual contest issue.
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