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A keybind to change encounters?

sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User
So if you're running a dungeon and you use the same feats and class features for AOE and ST, but not the encounters, the only way to change the encounters would be by pressing alt and then using the mouse to change the encounters. But this takes way too long.

So it would be much appreciated if someone knew if there was a way to keybind changing encounters?


  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Press P. Takes you right to the powers screen.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • hotfrostwormhotfrostworm Member Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    I am no expert in this area, but I think that is what character loadouts are used for and you can only change them outside battle at the campfire. My wife knows the advanced console commands, but she uses /cmds to search from those provided. For example, when you type /cmds power in chat the system information will respond with:
    [System Notify] Commands available to access level 0:
    [System Notify] Showpowererrors                    For the video-making people. Shows the big red power errors. AL7+ only
    [System Notify] Powers                             Show/hide the powers tab of the Player Status window
    [System Notify] Hidepowererrors                    For the video-making people. Hides the big red power errors. AL7+ only
    [System Notify] ExecActiveItemPowerInBag                                       No comment provided
    [System Notify] interactOptionPower                                            No comment provided
    [System Notify] PowerTrayExec                                                  PowerSlotExec <Active> <Slot>: Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
    [System Notify] Power_Exec_Category                                            Activate a power by category
    [System Notify] Power_Exec_NearDeath                                           Activates the appropriate NearDeath-related Power
    [System Notify] Power_Exec                                                     Activate a power by name
    [System Notify] PowerSlotExec                                                  PowerSlotExec <Active> <Slot>: Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
    [System Notify] specialClassPower                                              No comment provided
    [System Notify] CombatPowerStateCycleNext                                      No comment provided
    [System Notify] CombatReactivePowerExec                                        No comment provided
    [System Notify] PowerExecCategoryIfActivatable                                 Activate a power by category
    [System Notify] Buy_PowerTreeNodeRank                                                  Buy_PowerTreeNode <PowerTree> <Node> <Rank>: Purchases the Node:Rank combination in the PowerTree, only will succeed if the player is able to purchase that rank.
    [System Notify] Buy_PowerTreeNode                                                      Buy_PowerTreeNode <PowerTree> <Node>: Purchases the Node in the PowerTree
    [System Notify] DynamicItem_CheckItemPowerBuckets                                      Check to see if the item (bag, slotidx, id) has the flag DynamicItemBucketsInitialized set. If not run a transaction to set it and update the item power buckets
    Sometimes I feel making an alias command and keybind for this game is much harder than it should be and why many users will just resort to using a macro mouse and keyboard instead. My recommendation is just to use the loadouts or swap powers between battles, if need be.
  • dread4moordread4moor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    @hotfrostworm has the best answer.
    And the respected veteran @greywynd has the funniest answer... because it is true.
    You cannot change encounters during combat anyway...

    Every Ranger in the room:
    "Ummm, actually..."

    Yes, yes. Except rangers.
    Chill out, Hawkeye.

    Anyway, OP, you certainly can keybind/alias in 3-4 steps into a different loadout as @hotfrostworm suggested.
    But you cannot change loadout in combat and you can change the entire loadout with only one button and 1 click.

    So, Took is curious...
    Why would you want to?
    I am Took.
    "Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
  • sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User

    I am no expert in this area, but I think that is what character loadouts are used for and you can only change them outside battle at the campfire. My wife knows the advanced console commands, but she uses /cmds to search from those provided. For example, when you type /cmds power in chat the system information will respond with:

    [System Notify] Commands available to access level 0:
    [System Notify] Showpowererrors                    For the video-making people. Shows the big red power errors. AL7+ only
    [System Notify] Powers                             Show/hide the powers tab of the Player Status window
    [System Notify] Hidepowererrors                    For the video-making people. Hides the big red power errors. AL7+ only
    [System Notify] ExecActiveItemPowerInBag                                       No comment provided
    [System Notify] interactOptionPower                                            No comment provided
    [System Notify] PowerTrayExec                                                  PowerSlotExec  : Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
    [System Notify] Power_Exec_Category                                            Activate a power by category
    [System Notify] Power_Exec_NearDeath                                           Activates the appropriate NearDeath-related Power
    [System Notify] Power_Exec                                                     Activate a power by name
    [System Notify] PowerSlotExec                                                  PowerSlotExec  : Attempts to execute whatever Power is in the given PowerSlot
    [System Notify] specialClassPower                                              No comment provided
    [System Notify] CombatPowerStateCycleNext                                      No comment provided
    [System Notify] CombatReactivePowerExec                                        No comment provided
    [System Notify] PowerExecCategoryIfActivatable                                 Activate a power by category
    [System Notify] Buy_PowerTreeNodeRank                                                  Buy_PowerTreeNode   : Purchases the Node:Rank combination in the PowerTree, only will succeed if the player is able to purchase that rank.
    [System Notify] Buy_PowerTreeNode                                                      Buy_PowerTreeNode  : Purchases the Node in the PowerTree
    [System Notify] DynamicItem_CheckItemPowerBuckets                                      Check to see if the item (bag, slotidx, id) has the flag DynamicItemBucketsInitialized set. If not run a transaction to set it and update the item power buckets
    Sometimes I feel making an alias command and keybind for this game is much harder than it should be and why many users will just resort to using a macro mouse and keyboard instead. My recommendation is just to use the loadouts or swap powers between battles, if need be.
    The thing is, even during combat i would like to change encounters in some dungeons. But doing manually would take too long. What is this macro mouse? Not so sure i have heard of its usage in neverwinter.

    @hotfrostworm has the best answer.
    And the respected veteran @greywynd has the funniest answer... because it is true.
    You cannot change encounters during combat anyway...

    Every Ranger in the room:
    "Ummm, actually..."

    Yes, yes. Except rangers.
    Chill out, Hawkeye.

    Anyway, OP, you certainly can keybind/alias in 3-4 steps into a different loadout as @hotfrostworm suggested.
    But you cannot change loadout in combat and you can change the entire loadout with only one button and 1 click.

    So, Took is curious...
    Why would you want to?

    Ok so let me explain. I know the existence of loadouts but you don't find campfires everywhere in dungeons. I use the same feat for my ST and AOE and even within my ST i would like to test changing encounters. Now calm down, i know you cannot change encounters during on cooldown but off cooldown i have changed encounters in combat but is very tedious to use the mouse when you are busy dps'ing.

    This also leads me to the question, at times when i change my encounters, they go on 10 seconds cooldown, but at times it doesn't. How does that work?
  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    I change encounters during combat all the time.

    Mostly by pressing P and changing that way, but that sometimes (ok nearly always) locks my at will on and its annoying.

    another way is to right click on the icon in your powers tray HUD and then select the encounter you want - doesn't seem to result in the at will spam fest
  • sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User
    lantern22 said:

    I change encounters during combat all the time.

    Mostly by pressing P and changing that way, but that sometimes (ok nearly always) locks my at will on and its annoying.

    another way is to right click on the icon in your powers tray HUD and then select the encounter you want - doesn't seem to result in the at will spam fest

    tbh i would like to swap encounters more often like maybe once or twice every minute. It may open more ways of dps'ing for me. Never hurts to try but doing it both ways you described would be litreally hamster annoying.
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    Yeah this is something I would like too.

    When you know the dungeon / combat with closed eyes, you think in ways to improve, and depending on the enemies / rooms, changing powers could be a good way.

    Is not a huge thing because trash is trash, but some players are allways searching ways to improve their gameplay, is a way to have fun for some of us.

    Having to open power window and doing it manually is anyoning. I push "T" key to keep running and do this but I find sometimes myself running to a wall or column, is weird xD
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
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    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • hotfrostwormhotfrostworm Member Posts: 448 Arc User
    sobi#1980 said:

    The thing is, even during combat i would like to change encounters in some dungeons. But doing manually would take too long. What is this macro mouse? Not so sure i have heard of its usage in neverwinter.

    "Macro mouse and keyboard" is hardware you can buy most anywhere in the world for games. I have often read in chat and forums they are frowned upon, because they give a player an unfair advantage. Users counter that with; if any user can purchase it, and use the hardware, it is not unfair.

    The hardware allows you to record keystrokes and mouse movement into the hardware and play it back with another key located on the keyboard. ESO stated you cannot use macro keyboards at one point. The real problem is, the game would require user permission to scan your PC, and have an enormous listing of keyboard drivers, just to detect them. It would be akin to waiting for a virus scan each time you logged into play. Also users with controllers (PS and XB) connected to their PC, would they be allowed to play since they would also require specialized drivers?

    From my point of view, if any user said, they were using a pop up electric toaster in conjunction with a food processor to play this game, I would not care. You still would not be able to swap powers while engaged in combat. I don't want to start a debate about the hardware but you can Google "macro mouse and keyboard" and find them for as little as $30 US. I also have no clue as to the Terms of Service and how Cryptic Studios regards them.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    "Macro mouse" is just a gaming mouse with more than usual number of buttons such as MMO mouse can have extra 12+ buttons.

    For TOS, Cryptic had promotion events to buy that type of mouse/keyboard of a brand such as Corsair and get in game perks.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User

    "Macro mouse" is just a gaming mouse with more than usual number of buttons such as MMO mouse can have extra 12+ buttons.

    For TOS, Cryptic had promotion events to buy that type of mouse/keyboard of a brand such as Corsair and get in game perks.

    He is confusing macro mouse with a hardware that records your mouse movement. Any third party software meddling with combat in game is clearly going to be prohibited. Thanks for not getting confused amidst this all.
  • hotfrostwormhotfrostworm Member Posts: 448 Arc User
    sobi#1980 said:

    "Macro mouse" is just a gaming mouse with more than usual number of buttons such as MMO mouse can have extra 12+ buttons.

    For TOS, Cryptic had promotion events to buy that type of mouse/keyboard of a brand such as Corsair and get in game perks.

    He is confusing macro mouse with a hardware that records your mouse movement. Any third party software meddling with combat in game is clearly going to be prohibited. Thanks for not getting confused amidst this all.
    I am not confused. Here is the Redragon Macro Keyboard and Mouse and here is the video on how to program the mouse driver.

    All mice with more than the standard buttons, require you to assign keys to those extra buttons or they are pointless. I am not endorsing this hardware or promoting using any other software. As I stated above I am not here to debate hardware, I just answered the question.

    @plasticbat if you are talking about this Corsair mouse then yes it is a Macro Mouse with 12 programmable buttons. I agree with you, it would be odd for the company to promote such an item and then tell you not to use it with their game. The fact remains, while such a device could be used in replace of keybinds, it cannot perform restricted tasks.
  • paulamyo#4926 paulamyo Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    I also change encounters during combat all the time with my dc. I use the right-click-> chose new power method.

    Would be great to have some keybind for it.
  • sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User

    sobi#1980 said:

    "Macro mouse" is just a gaming mouse with more than usual number of buttons such as MMO mouse can have extra 12+ buttons.

    For TOS, Cryptic had promotion events to buy that type of mouse/keyboard of a brand such as Corsair and get in game perks.

    He is confusing macro mouse with a hardware that records your mouse movement. Any third party software meddling with combat in game is clearly going to be prohibited. Thanks for not getting confused amidst this all.
    I am not confused. Here is the Redragon Macro Keyboard and Mouse and here is the video on how to program the mouse driver.

    All mice with more than the standard buttons, require you to assign keys to those extra buttons or they are pointless. I am not endorsing this hardware or promoting using any other software. As I stated above I am not here to debate hardware, I just answered the question.

    @plasticbat if you are talking about this Corsair mouse then yes it is a Macro Mouse with 12 programmable buttons. I agree with you, it would be odd for the company to promote such an item and then tell you not to use it with their game. The fact remains, while such a device could be used in replace of keybinds, it cannot perform restricted tasks.
    Currently i am using a mouse with extra buttons that i have set my encounters to using the in game options. But i don't see how other than at-willing, can the macro mouse help anyone during combat? Let alone the fact that i would desire it if it could instantly change encounters for me.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,518 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    I programmed daily on the extra buttons of my mouse so that my left hand can concentrate on certain keys so instead of move my left hand to hit '1' (or '2'), I can hit a mouse button using my right thumb. That was long time ago in my old laptop when AP was filled up fast. And that expensive MMO mouse was busted long time ago. Now, I am using cheap gaming mouse. I have busted 3 gaming mice playing this game.

    I suppose one can program a button to (say) click the mouse 4 times fast or continuously to click the mouse until you want to stop it.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
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