I just got an Achievement Token after 14 days with only 7 days left. I need 5 for the Mount? How often will this event take place? Once a year? Twice? Does that mean we have to wait 3-5 YEARS for a single Legendary Mount??? What kinda carrot-on-a stick is this Hamster?
And the Leg Mount isn't that groovy anyhow. If you grind 100k rad a day, which isn't that hard, in a couple of months you can probably get a Leg Mount of the AH - I haven't checked prices recently.
This IS a free Leg Mount, which is YaY! But it comes at a high cost in time and waiting.
i aint all that hyped on the mount either.... more hyped on the other stuff than the mount lol
Basically you need to go to the hell pit for 70 days for the mount. Which i suppose is better then 100+ CTA's but in the end
i just cant find motivation to do that much grinding.
Honestly if the Zen market mounts were an account unlock i would have gotten one but even those are seriously unrealistic at $50 per toon.
So i am down to spend my AD's or just be happy with my epic. I think after 8 days of the pit im just gonna be happy with my epic . I found my motivation to play the game drags when all i can look forward to is another 362 days of either doing the pit every day or waiting for the event to come back.
Got, really, really, really insanely really lucky (I know how fell the RGN is) and pulled a legendary mount from a slot machine box. I have agonized about using it or posting AH. I have account wide epic(s) from the 2 account pack buys and love that all my characters get them. The question:
I see people say that legendary aren't account wide unlock, I get it's not like the packs, but do you unlock the skin on one character and then get the boost slot account wide at least? I.E. the faster speed on all toons, the stat boost slot, the attack slot? Or is it just the skin owning toon has the slot unlocks. If that's the case, just the one skin owning toon, I see no reason to not AH it
How much is it worth on the AH? Compare that with how many Coal Wards and upgrades you can fund with the AH money.
How good is the stat boost and do you need it?
How good is the combat power?
The extra speed really isn't needed.
Speed, it's not a case of need, want, but speed...at some point want becomes need
j/k if it was account wide? in a heartbeat, one toon skin and buffs only? Pfft.
I'm looking at RL value set at ~ $40-50. If they would set it at $50 for account wide legacy, I'd one time purchase it like that *snap fingers*, the packs are $50+, they get not only epic mounts, but a epic companion and a bunch of other things and title as well. Seems their valuation is skewed on legacy.
Their marketing dept. is weak. Sales are for 2 reasons, to reinforce a price point or spur interest in a product. They are reinforcing a price point that is over inflated, look at how mad folks were about the black friday thing, if your prices were in the range that folks felt comfortable parting with money, they wouldn't feel the need to wait all year to engage in commerce.
Sell low, sell 'mo. Sell high, starve, die.
Take Walmarts model, sell lots, sell millions at a less than $1 margin, make millions more. They have *people/programs that develop price point analysis. They know that this box of crackers will sell for $1.98, but not $2.17, the box holds 16 oz., due to inflation they have to sell it for 2.17 or can contact the manufacturer and make the box 15 oz. and keep the price point of 1.98 and keep their profit margin.
If you could get 1/2 the game players to buy a legacy for $20 or 1/10 to buy at $50 what makes you more profit? Hint: The first not the later, in fact you make more long term profit as well, they will one time the $50, but some will $20 a second time for a certain skin or stat.
Cryptic: Whomever is setting your zen market values, fire them or send them back to school, they either never learned marketing dynamics or have forgotten.
*(my cousin is the computer wizard that did their tech development to do this and the waste management programming as well.)
More smaller transactions makes more profit than a very few large transactions.
Walmart/Tesco [uk] are prime examples