This bugg happens on multiple maps with 2 warlock hellbringers
River district
Stardock maps
Chult maps
And more
I can see multiple groups of enemie, i pull in 1 group and kill them all. The other groups dont notice me and they r barely in shooting range. I cannot activate anything around me nor can i go on my mount because it keeps saying im in combat while am really not. I can see my character in fighting pose for 2 sec than for less than a second it goes to normal really shortly and back in fighting pose. Only 3 things i can do to solve.
1. Im stuck defeat me.
2. Walk all the way back to the start/entrance of the map (doesnt always fiks).
3. Kill everything i can see, but soon as walk over to groups far in the distance there will be even more groups, that dont notice me but have to kill everything before i can finally mount or do anythin else again.
Going to a campfire (for example the one in the village in barovia) does not help, if u kno that place than u kno that should be plenty of distance.
> What armor are you wearing?
It happens with diff armour, enchants, comp, mounts etc
Diff characters and accounts
> Only character it happens to me with is my wizard who wears the Haunted Hides of the Hall.
Thx alot, solved
Some equipment/effects linger and can hold you in combat stance until they expire.
Noting which affect correlates to your perma-stance will identify the culprit.
@miskaf : "By Jove, Took. You've cracked the case!"
[Puffs pipe]
"Elementary, my dear @miskaf ."
[Dumps out tobacco and replaces with Shire Weed.]
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.