I noticed with the new clothing/appearance system (which is a great improvement on prior) when you are set to show 'gear' you can disable visuals on the headgear to make it invisible but still active, but cannot do this on anything else. -Well you can disable the visuals on the weapon and armor enchants and hooray for that and thankyou, we were asking to be able to do that for years, so that is freakin' awesome, but as far as the rest of the gear goes, only the headpiece is able to be disabled visually.
Can I suggest that we extend this to all pieces of armor, what made me think of this was that while doing the Master Expeditions and Fragment expeditions, I have been collecting a bunch of shirts and pants, nothing I want to use for the stats, but some of them are very nicely designed and I've been putting them in all in my library. I had an idea to try the starry ones with only them showing and a pair of boots which I have which are more slim than most. I thought they were so nice it would be worth trying to see how they looked on their own as a look. -Only to find that only the head comes off but the rest doesn't. So what is the point of having such nice shirts and pants if we can't make an outfit out of them. Would be great to extend the 'disable visuals' function to all pieces of gear, not just the head.