Is there a way to check if this perk actually works?
I have Budding ring of the rose and it says +10% damage against beasts.
Does not say much especially when no icon in the left upper corner appears to show that this perk is actually active.
So many things in this game not working correctly makes me feel 50/50 this perk not working at all....
Then also is a spider a beast? is a dragon a beast? is a manticore a beast? is the turtle boss in FBI a beast? you see where this is going...
I actually have no idea about what enemyes counts as beasts accept wolfs and bears lol and there is not many of them.
Cultists,undead,demons,dinosaurs and giants is easy to spot but beasts is a big qustion mark for me.
Where can I find the information about what enemyes counts as beasts?
I would not be surprised if even devs does not know. Actually I would be surprised if they even know that Beast hunter perk even exist lol...