During phase 3, trying to orientation and coordinate is a bit tricky since the minimap is always greyed out while in combat. Unless everyone spins and orients halister every time to see his hands to know where to go, they are dead if unable to. Many times recovering with a previous mechanic like permafrost, with combo elements and sky to ground then disintegration for example there is no way to call out to players since left, right just wont work with out any form of orientation.
Also, being unable to zoom out further also makes many visual indicators harder to see if any other effects completely fills the screen during some combos. Like polarity if people are clustered since impossible to view them from above but view though 5 arcing tethers and lightning on x path.
Wave indicator for sky to ground we have to count down since half the time theres crowding and limited view of floor space with other elements to see untill too late. Especially if dragon borns in group, cannot target boss unless viewing upwards or walk around grouping to outside constantly. Reminiscent of initial release of mspc, second boss having to look up to see eye and unable to see ground red aoes.
Healers also have to enable hp bars for everyone since no other way to track health of players so visuals even more difficult for them.
Consider making minimap viewable in combat, and increasing zoom out distance. Even fixing targeting issues if a dragon born walks in fron of you, only way to target is look up or walk around...