Since the launch of Mod 17 on PC Sybella has not been near Sgt. Knox. So how does it make it into the launch on Mod 17 on console where she is still telling players she is near Sgt. Knox when they reach level 80 or when the legacy campaigns resets upon login
Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (PC) Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (XB1) Rogue - Serenity (PS4)
As soon as you reach level 80 it triggers the legacy campaign quest. There is a voice-over of Sybella asking for you to meet with her. She does indeed tell you she is near Sgt. Knox. In Mod16 she was near him, now she has taken over his prior location which is no longer near him.
I assume the doppelganger Sybella is trying to send you in circles so that you can never find the real Sybella.