I came back a year ago for Ravenloft. I decided to catch up on quest lines I never did, since I left as soon as Underdark came out. After attempting to do SKT on my main toon, I got tired and sick of the grind so I said "Screw this!" and blew 160$ on Zen to purchase the campaign completion tokens for all 8 of my toons. I smiled happily that I was finished with that terrible mod and moved on.
Only to find out that even though I paid money to avoid having to do that stupid quest line, I'm being FORCED to do all the intro quests thanks to the Legacy Campaigns. In addition, all but ONE of my toons are locked out of completing the intro quests, 'cos Duvessa Shane won't offer up the Defending the Dale quest.
The question is, why?
I paid actual money to NOT have to run that long, boring grind, but the stupid engine can't tell that I have a 100% completion and is requiring me to grind the annoying intro quests. Is this why the Campaign completion tokens were removed from the Zen store? Were you knowingly letting people purchase them when the quest line is apparently bugged and doesn't acknowledge that people could complete the Campaign without doing the quests?
It's HAMSTER like this that's why people are leaving the game in droves and not spending money on it.
I'm pissed.
Alternatively, there are 5 quests in Brynn Shander that are dropped from mobs that count towards the challenge (the sixth, Wandering Frost Giant, is bugged and doesn't count) I assume this don't require finishing the intro but can't verify that.
I paid for the Campaign tokens, which states that I get a fully unlocked campaign. That includes the intro quests. I checked the remaining Campaign tokens in the Zen store yesterday and NONE of them say you have to complete the intro quests, nor are they required.
I spent the whopping 2 hours I had to play yesterday (which for me, is a lot) running the intro quests for Lonelywood, SOMI and Cold Run on a single toon, in the hopes it would FIX the problem I was having with Bryn Shander. In order to get the daily quests, I have to complete the Defending the Dale quest, which isn't being offered, 'cos the campaign was completed WITHOUT doing it, by using a Campaign token.
That means, I cannot do the daily/weekly quests in Bryn Shander for any of my toons, save the one that made me realize that I don't have the time nor the patience to deal with SKT grind, after doing the intro quests. I had to deal with the train wreck that was Elemental Evil, so I'm surprised SKT came AFTER that fiasco.
I'm mad, for being blocked from completing daily/ weekly quests in Bryn Shander, for simply spending money to circumnavigate a long, boring grind that I didn't feel like doing. It proves I'm willing to spend money on the game to enhance my gameplay experience.
Is this logical? No. But that's how it has always worked.
And prior to legacy quests being added, you got what you paid for. A completed campaign that gave you access to the boons.
Legacy made those campaigns worth (?) running again... so you might want to unlock the quests to pick the easiest ones from all areas.
Guild: Ruathym Corsairs
all repeatable quests (dailies) in the SKT zones are greyed out.
At least this happened to me. The quests cannot be taken, because a prerequisite is missing.
The message of the greyed out quests reads:
"requires completion of Defending the Dale quest"
But the "Defending the Dale" quest is nowhere to be seen
Note, that the character could take the daily quests BEFORE.
Then something changed, and the quests are greyed out.
Not quite sure, what the reason is.
After reading up, it seems that the quests are greyed out, as soon as you start the quest line in a new zone (Lonelywood, Coldrun, See of Moving Ice). If you do these questlines in parallel, all dailies are greyed out, until the entire questline in all zones is completed. This is counter-intuitive and unexpected. Please change, or at least provide some warning, that dailies on previous zones cannot be completed, when a new zone is started.