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As a Warlock main, is this game worth returning to?

emogamer26emogamer26 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
After the anomaly that was the launch of Undermountain, I noticed a few things; any areas that I had been playing through for years became impossible to survive in such as Dread Ring, Well of Dragons, etc. I distinctly remember being excited for the update as I could now Queue for dungeons as a healer, but in practice everything was, to say the least, unplayable. The removal of lifesteal felt like such a huge hindrance that it alone made me want to stop playing my favourite class. Pillar of Power was moved to the support tree and nerfed substantially, a power that all dps warlocks used as a crutch. In the patch notes, they said that overall, players should be receiving buffs to their item level, which excited me because I was hopeful in trying out new dungeons, only to be surprised that the ones I had been running for a long time were no longer completable, then accessible altogether. Feats were reworked significantly in a way that just seemed like senseless nerfs that I still have yet to understand. Maybe I missed something as to why everything was nerfed and changed so significantly, but I didn't see a reason for half the changes. People who played on the test servers were questioning for months why they were going to ship the changes they made, and developers didn't listen to their pleas.

However, as a D&D player, and a huge mmorpg fan, I never wanted to put this game down, but it became so frustrating to do anything that I had to. I put 6 years into this game, and reasonably so, I felt the game was great, I wanted to share it with all my friends and try to enjoy it with good people. I don't want to let all that time to go waste, so I return to my point, is this game worth returning to? I have yet to read patch notes and wanted to get community opinion on the state of the Warlock class before I try to dive back into playing.

Best Answer


  • sobi#1980 sobi Member Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    I don't want to let you down, but right now if anyone class is suffering the most, i would say it's warlock. However, the dev's are working on a new damage formula to balance classes and then tweak each class thereafter.

    It might be worth coming back or if possible coming back in module 18 i.e. 2 months or so. Right now, the game is in a hot mess with some heated debates about class balancing and TOMM (the new end game dungeon).

    Also, now for RIQ and RLQ, you need a healer and tank. Basically, the queue times are much longer and people are hating it.
  • kharkov58kharkov58 Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    You will find that all content outside of dungeons and skirmishes is much easier than when you quit because of the removal of scaling. Many dungeons are somewhat easier because of easing the scaling and bug fixes. So no, it will not be anywhere near as hard to do Dread Ring or Well of Dragons, etc. Some of the dungeons can be soloed by BIS toons, but most will need a full party to run them.
  • gonzakotwigonzakotwi Member Posts: 267 Arc User
    Short answer, nope
  • xavior44xavior44 Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    No at least wait and see what they do with class balancing because unless you like running support dps ..at best.. then no
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    The warlock definitely has issues.

    Aside from struggling to compete with other dps classes there are a number of design flaws as well as encounters and mechanics that either aren't effective, or are not working properly. But campaign areas are actually easier since mod 16. If you're struggling there and in the lower queues, there's a chance it has less to do with the class, and more to do with other changes.

    Most notably the companion system. It has a ridiculous impact on your character's performance now, and is probably the first thing you should look into.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,172 Arc User
    Asking others their opinion on the matter is a waste of time. Your best bet is to log in and play a while and see if it is something you want to come back to.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • emogamer26emogamer26 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Thank you everyone for your comments, I appreciate it greatly.
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