i made a post about this with mod16 release and was ignored, prolly still gonna get ignored, but will try again.
Anyway, the aoe on arcanist is aweful, not due to class mechanics but due to bugs and rediculous lack of ranged aoe powers.
The range aoe power we have is shard and its aweful!!!!!, takes a whole year to cast.
sudden storm aka lightning bolt, is bugged and misses 99,99% of the time, yet to be addressed.
Steal time is melee and has a 1.5s cast time but definitely takes longer, and main issue is that it only hits once compared to previous mods where it did multiple hits for its duration, this also results to it only proccing anything on that final hit. Basically if you get interrupted while casting it, you dont do any damage and it goes on full 20hrs cd (which they apparently changed to be halved if you dodged or were interrupted, but the chances of this is just like rng, most of the time it goes on full cd when interrupted).
Icy terrain is Ok-ish but its also melee unless you move it to the spell mastery where it then becomes ranged but now you have to target where u drop it.
Dont even get me started on repel, not only does it set ur other party members off, but the damage is also reduced by alot when moved to spell mastery.
Entangling force in previous mods (premod16) used to have aoe effect on tab, not anymore.
Conduit of ice. Why is this power in thaum but not in arcanist? like what is the criteria with this? Thaum has 3 ranged aoe powers: fireball, conduit and fanning. Conduit should be a shared power for both paragons.
Lardeson CW not Mage. Where's my fireball and my thunderbolt?
Where you hit the button, start about a half-second of the animation, and the spell just cancels. Sometimes you get the reduced CD, most times it's full CD timer.
I just look at Arcanist = Single Target nukage, Thaum = AoE spreadshot. Or was when Conduit and Icy Terrain would aoe apply Crit Conflag smolder.
Cleric: You can be an angel of mercy or give in to hate. - Shinedown
Wizard: The more the dark consumes me, I pretend I'm burning bright. - Shinedown
Barbarian: Am I beautiful... as I tear you to pieces? - In This Moment
First they should fix the bugs
-Lighning bolt should be fixed asap
- Steal time should be the old version with multiticks or they should reduce casting time to 0,5s or give it something more, for example more target cap, or an adding effect like previous speed in tab.
Shard should be completely reworked, is a forgotten power they dont want to touch because is buggy as hell. I would like something like chain lightning, a targeting power (not like actual ligning bolt) that chains on 5-6 enemies doing less and less dmg, with an average CD. They gave the thaumaturge the iconic fireball, why not the iconic Chain Lightning to arcanist?
Icy terrain should be thaumaturge exclusive from my PoV
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