Below are a list of feats and powers that do not work in accordance with the games design. I just wanted to bring this to the developers attention, maybe it was a slight over sight. The following powers/Feats either slow or daze but do not give Combat Advantage to the Rogue. They also proc combatant's maneuver but they do not give CA.
Rogues controlling effects are slow/daze
Feat: Skullcracker
Effect: Daze
problem: does not give combat advantage when dazing enemy, (but procs combantant's maneuver due to the control effect "Daze")
Solution: Skullcracker should give CA
Power: Deft Strike
Effect: Slow
Problem: Does not give Combat Advantage
Solution: Deft Strike should give CA
Power: Courage Breaker
Effect: Slow
Problem: Does not give Combat Advantage
Solution: Courage Breaker should give CA
Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (PC)
Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (XB1)
Rogue - Serenity (PS4)
Probably you meant Hateful Knives, right?
But yes, I agree with the other powers. None of them give the effect in the description.
There is something like this also for the Paladin. The SHIFT mechanic says "It grants Immunity Control" but it doesn't in lots of scenarios. I doesn't give Immunity Control in the AoE against:
- Atropal (CODG);
- Yuan-Ti (Chult Maps, ToNG, LoMM);
- Turtle (FBI);
Probably I forgot other situations, but I have unexpectedly found this post and replied.
Also smoke bomb should give CA without having to go into stealth 1st.
Rogue - Setsuna F Seiei (XB1)
Rogue - Serenity (PS4)