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andorrabellandorrabell Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 437 Arc User
edited August 2019 in Bug Reports (PC)
Tales of Old is still doing something crazy with scaling, it's not complete able.
Come ON GUYS this is a TIMED event.
T1 is doable, T2 is quite hard, T3 is pretty much impossible.
This is with groups that are TOMM ready and trained.

Now you need to extend this event or give us all free currency. :(

We found ZERO hourglasses in these as well, so it's completely undoable, has anyone found any, anywhere?
Update: some instances are spawning EITHER hearts or hourglasses, but not both.

Where is our developer announcement extending or rescheduling this event?
I've put a HUGE amount of time into this event, completing it on three characters the last two times and now yall are just giving me... nothing.
I'm disgusted.
picar66 said:
Scaling to 16k. as old tales are introduced 16k was a very high value (think around 19k was max to that time).
Now 16k is meh and further sacled down, dungeon is impossible.

So the beginning scale in relation have to be around 23k (now that 27k is max) not 16k il.

You can see very clearly that on run1 with artifacts all is fine (even if at 16k il), but if artifacts are forbitten in run 2+ the group has a hard time. Thats where you can see that more then 60% of damage comes from artifact and that is bad.
its not anymore a player skill test, its who has better Artifact (and artifact scales with power from char). And that is on all other contend the same. This makes high power low stat values on all stats the "best" Players, cause of high damage scaled artifacts.
IMHO the wrong direction of this gamedesign.

Hope you find a way to solve it for running event, or extend (repeat) event after fixing it.

lardeson said:

The dungeon is broken, due to scaling, first you are scaled down, and it seems that at each difficulty, the enemies become tougher and hit harder, WHICH SHOULDN'T BE A THING, the difficulty is not supposed to boost the enemies but to nerf you by disabling your artifact, making ur cooldowns longer, decreasing ur defense and power by 50%, but its rather nerfing you and at the same time boosting enemies.

menkhar said:

Cryptic, you are making this event not practical for decently geared/skilled "casual" players, and pandering to a base of like (maybe) 10-35 ppl who can get an artifact here, let alone the additions to the artifact, or the scarf/sash ...
That defeats the entire purpose of such an event, which (IMO) could be around LOMM level (or slightly less difficult), but instead is turning off lots of folks (most folks I talked to are not thrilled, and are doing other things in-game instead).
I really love this game (didn't mind the class tree overhaul in Mod 16, for example), but Cryptic you're making it harder and harder for me to play/support this game, if you have such a broken event.

Eliminate scaling in this Tales of Old Event, and I'm quite sure that most of the fanbase will be quite happy with it.

bojsha said:
If you get dissconected by the server, you get kicked out of party and send to city, wow.
Post edited by andorrabell on


  • sorcio2sorcio2 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    i put an enormous amount of time and money into this game cause i love it. but im getting pissed... ever single time a event or patch comes up the game breaks... how the hell do your dev team doesn t do their job right like every single time and still keep their jobs? if this HAMSTER happened in a another game like wow or final fantasy worlds would burn... you lucky the word doesn t get out too much to the other gaming comunities because no one plays this game... and you know why no one playes it?? because dev team doesn t give a HAMSTER about it. Cant you just freaking test the content you are uploading?? like any other game dev team does? is that asking to mucch? to do your job right? i want the freaking third journal you better fix this HAMSTER fast...
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    @sorcio2 you are correct and wrong on several points. I was an alpha tester for Neverwinter more than 6 years ago. I was interested in the game for 2 reasons. The Foundry and this is D&D MMO based on Neverwinter Nights. From the very beginning, I told them about bugs in the Foundry and they sent messages back telling me they were currently working on Ebon Downs please test there and ignore the Foundry. I helped with Ebon Downs, that is now been missing its signature dungeon "Throne of Idris" remove in module 6 and it will never return. If it returns in the TOO it won't be the same dungeon. Cryptic Studios had some great content and promise and they just keep removing good things and put in some half-baked replacement. They made some cool things (that I like) Ravenloft module and the Workshop for example, only to abandon them and I imagine leave them to stagnate. They have a bad habit of biting off more than they can chew.

    I have been around 6 years, I don't expect WoW from a company with only one server and 100 employees or less (Bloomberg) as Blizzard has multiple servers world wide and 9,900 employees (Bloomberg). I am amazed they can get this level of quality from such a small group. You are wrong to compare them with Blizzard Activision. That is like comparing the local corner mom and pop store to Wal Mart.

    However there are companies you can compare them with, ArenaNet is owned by NCSoft and they make just one game. Guild Wars 2 functions much the same way as Neverwinter on roughly the same size company. They recently lost many employees, as NCSoft did a massive layoff. Maybe a better one is CCP Games that makes Eve Online. I can understand making mistakes along the way, people are only human, and there is no online game doesn't suffer from bad decisions. While it is up to us to voice our concerns, it is up to the company to decide the path they follow.
  • bojshabojsha Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    If you get dissconected by the server, you get kicked out of party and send to city, wow.
  • sorcio2sorcio2 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    @sandukutupu mate you telling me they test HAMSTER before putting it on live server? shall i remind you of tong when mod 16 came out? or cr ? everyone told them it wasnt properly scaled but they said nope it is... and was it? they didn t even saw it or tried it...
    it was so well scaled that after a while they properly scaled it again. and cr was just "fixed" like maybe what 2 weeks ago? we are on mod 17 already. they dont test nothing its impossible if they do they wouldn t implement them in the game while broken
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    sorcio2 said:

    @sandukutupu mate you telling me they test HAMSTER before putting it on live server? shall i remind you of tong when mod 16 came out? or cr ? everyone told them it wasnt properly scaled but they said nope it is... and was it? they didn t even saw it or tried it...
    it was so well scaled that after a while they properly scaled it again. and cr was just "fixed" like maybe what 2 weeks ago? we are on mod 17 already. they dont test nothing its impossible if they do they wouldn t implement them in the game while broken

    If you read my post, I told you, I was an alpha tester 6 years ago, they ignored me about the Foundry and it was bugged from start to finish. Do they test it? Yes. Do they listen to the people that volunteer to test it? Apparently not. It would appear you didn't read what I had to say. I only stated, comparing this game company to another that is 10 times the size isn't a fair example.

    They implement broken content all the time. Every module release as far back as I can recall was released with tons of bugs. About 80 to 90 percent of those bugs get fixed after release. Then they make a new module that is full of bugs and the cycle continues. You might not have been here when Ravenloft (my favorite) went live. No one could change maps. There was a work around where you joined a party, left Barovia to PE and came back. This major bug lasted 2 weeks before it got fixed. To this day several bugs and glitches still exist in module 14 but they leave them. They are more concerned about module 17. The major bugs will get fixed over time and the rest will remain in the game. That is just how they have done this for a very long time.

    Now that the 3 day holiday weekend is here, don't expect a lot of work to be done on the game until Tuesday. I have a wedding to attend tomorrow and people here are heading out for the last hooray of Summer camping. I suspect TOO will take a hit and a miss on this factor alone. Maybe they will reschedule it for a later date or do nothing at all.
  • maruda#1373 maruda Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    A simple solution, do not spend cash. And all in all it was the main reason that there are so many bugs in the game. People were paying for the product.
  • ogeafaogeafa Member Posts: 15 Arc User

    You are wrong to compare them with Blizzard Activision. That is like comparing the local corner mom and pop store to Wal Mart.

    Wal Mart started off as a mom and pop shop. Kind of a misplaced comparison if you think about it.

    You get what you pay for. The reality is, Neverwinter could be up there in line with WoW. And, it coulda been shut down long before now. The point being, if they would invest in the game more seriously, they might get higher returns which in turn would allow for greater development and further profits. The game seems to grow on the cheap. Use as little money as possible (copy/paste) to get as much back as possible without any concern for the future. Burst sales with ever module release rule this one. Mod16 and Mod 16b (Mod 17 is a continuation, a patch, of Mod 16 imo) changed things up to drive those sales but failed a great deal through the loss of player base.
    Without coin, there is no game.

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