I have seen a few post with completion rates for Dungeons.
Are completion rates for Dragon Flight Available? Curious to the success/failure rate of no dragons, 1 dragon completed, 2 dragons completed, 3 dragon completed and all 4 dragons completed? My guess is that all 4 completed doesnt happen for most guilds
We usually do 4 dragons successfully with 15+ people, the last few runs our numbers average 17-25. Less than 10 people we just focus on completing three dragons (Red/Blue/Black).
It takes some preparations and coordination (usually announcement 30mins ahead of time and group/gather to start the event 10mins before summoning the dragons).
*Letting people know that they can use DF Fangs reward to buy sought after DF dyes, Stronghold box, seals, and vouchers are good motivation for people to join.
My character Tsin'xing
This attack just kill one person and occurs every 20-30 seconds, so if you die, just respawn and attack again, repeat until it is dead.
Simple as that
On PC, if you are far, the blue rarely kills you. But it does
I think the issue, as said, that the rewards are not really worth it anymore. And that you need 15-20 people together. But, people liked doing it.
rewards for standing events need buffing. heroics could be switched up a little. etc.. it would be nice to have an update to gear. when was the last time we saw the merchant get an update?
edit: also difficulty of the dragons I don't think was meant to be easy for low levels. it had gotten that way with power creep but I think it's supposed to need some higher levelled players to do. or an entire instance of people working together who are of medium equipment rates. for the rewards which is basically a chance at a influence lockbox though it does need to be better loot for a more difficult setting. in the early days the gear was good at least.
This is urgently needed.
But that said, TBH, I'm kind of glad they didn't rush into a Stronghold review straight after Mod 16, I couldn't give less of a toss about PVP if you paid me to so, (and sorry if this makes me a bad person but,) I don't care what they broke when amending PvP this time round on M17. Just get Strongholds and Professions right.
Because I hope the Stronghold and Guild review comes hand in hand with a proper update on crafting/professions. If they let that fall behind, it will make all that hard work they did on the Professions and Workshop be for nought. And while I really don't like that professions, or more accurately, "Master Crafting" goes hand in hand with Guilds, I have to accept that it does, so HAMSTER it... just do it right.
Strongholds need a bunch of events, some that are fixed and regular, and others that can be set up and even modified by the Guilds, (For instance a "Capture the flag" scenario for those PVPers I dislike so much...) The Marauders was fun for a few weeks, but it took, like, three runs before everyone realised, "There is literally no point even trying to go for more than the basic starter rounds" cos the Influence was the ONLY thing worth doing it for, other than boredom, pride, or bragging rights. (And no one was impressed by that.)
Maybe something like a bounty run, where you have to go out into the land around the Stronghold and have to kill X number of Y monsters, X number of Z monsters, etc... (obviously determined by the SH level.) One group runs after spiders, one for devils, someone charges uphill for the drakes, and another goes for giants, humanoids or beasts... that sort of thing.
Stuff that is either tough and rewarding, or quick and fun, or a mix of both. Given the number of different ways they've brought in Hunts, Wanted Posters, and now Expeditions it's clear there are people with the brains to create short, quirky, interesting quest games. Now just get those people to do their thing with Strongholds.
Instead of the stuff in the wagon being deposited at your guild, (and why the guy doesn't just drive over the bloody bridge and drop it in the courtyard is down to laziness and unionisation in my opinion!) allow one guild to send X amount of Y Guild resource, (Wood, Gold, Shards, anything!) but it travels by cart, and is beset by... MARAUDERS!!! Now you have a real reason to get as many allies together as possible, get stuck in and win as much as you can. The more stuff you send, the tougher the monsters... (obvs) and you each get a muckle of influence on top.
Players have genuine investment in the game, and a chance to LOSE stuff, not just "not win as much" stuff.