Class feats are there for enchancing some part of the class whether this be for enhancing their DPS, survivability or utility abilities.
As seen in most classes, the Warlock has several class feats that give flat stats when selected. As gear gets better with each mod, these class feats become less attractive to the player and in some cases are completely pointless.
Below you'll find a graphic that helps to highlight some of the key areas for the class and where some improvements could be made. you've read the graphic, you don't need to read the rest, I'm just adding the text here for those that can't see the graphic.
Shadow Walk : The stats will depreciate in value as gear stats improve, this should be reworked to something that is not stat related.
Shadow Walk - Rework : Summon Souls to your side for every second you're in shadowslip (Max 5) that will be converted to Soul Investiture when your Soul Puppet is next summoned.
Dark One's Blessing : This is an ineffective feat.
Mobs The mob is dead, additional sparks are generated but deplete too fast and will be lost when the next mob is engaged.
Boss without adds This feat cannot be triggered.
Boss with Adds Forces the player to target adds and not the boss, the only time that this feat has any real use.
Dark One's Blessing - Rework : Whenever your Lesser/Warlock's Curse is removed from a target you gain 1 soul spark and generated 1% of your max HP.
Dark Prayers : The stats will depreciate in value as gear stats improve, this should be reworked to something that is not stat related.
Dark Prayers - Rework : When your HP is below 30%, you gain Temp HP equal to 30% your max HP can only occur once every 30 seconds.
All Consuming Curse : It's a good mechanic but it would be more thematic if at-wills already followed the Apply/Synergy/Consume mechanic and necrotic at-wills already applied Lesser Curse without having to slot this feat.
All Consuming Curse - Rework Option 1 : Lesser Curse will be applied to all uncursed enemies within 5' of a cursed enemy.
All Consuming Curse - Rework Option 2 : Lesser Curse will be applied to all uncursed enemies within 15' of the Warlock.
Flames of Empowerment : Good idea but the cap is too low.
Flames of Empowerment - Rework Option 1 : Increase max stacks to 10
Flames of Empowerment - Rework Option 2 : Attacking cursed targets with your fire based attacks will apply Burning Curse for 10 seconds. Burning Curse will increase the damage of your Necrotic based attacks by 5% per stack, max 2 stacks.
Deadly Curse : It's too weak a magnitude for Single Target/Boss Fights
Deadly Curse - Rework Option 1 : Cursed Revitalisation; Every hit dealt by Lesser Curse to an enemy regenerates 0.25% Action Points but Lesser Curse damage reduced to 20 down from 25.
Deadly Curse - Rework Option 2 : Increase magnitude to 35