The amount of zen you need to spend on the pack this mount comes in should very much so warrant an account wide mount. To my knowledge this beautiful mount that you drop all that zen on is unlocked for the 1 character you buy the pack on. PLEASE Show this support so hopefully they will hear us and unlock this mount for full account instead of 1 character. All mounts you buy in zen store unlock on all toons and the amount of zen you drop on to get the mount it should %100 follow the same principle. I have 34 toons and would like to not have to spend 75,000 zen 34 times. Even on my 2 mains I have to choose which one i want to use it on ? Please hear my cries for this and let it RING INTO YOUR HEART.
Robb PvP - Youtube
Not to mention that those newer packs only stay in the shop for a while, which pushes even more players to get them with the "introduction discount" instead of waiting for a better deal.
So, all you've to do is convice your fellow players to stop buying those packs, then they might think about changing them.