While refining my daily Rough Astral Diamonds I thought that perhaps there could be a better way to handle the RAD. The current system that keeps the RAD on the character that generates it means that you have to log in to each character that have RAD available and refine it.
My suggestion is that RAD and AD goes directly to the bank from where a single refining can refine all 100k that is the limit for the day.
Also if the AD can then be made available to every character on the account without having to go to the bank and withdraw some would be a huge bonus.
I have 9 Alts and have 4.9 million RAD spread over them. A central repository in the bank would mean that I would immediately know how many RAD and AD I have.
A 13th level of the VIP where you get a higher amount of daily RAD to refine is also something that might be a good idea.
I for one would certainly pay for that.
Sorry for my English as it is not my first or second language.
For example,
you earn some rAD (says 1000 rAD) today and don't refine anything for the whole day at all. i.e. your account refine limit is still >= 1000 for today (Thursday).
When you login to that character the first time tomorrow (Friday), your 1000 rAD (earned on Thursday) will become 1000 AD without you touching anything. Your Friday refine limit is still 100K. A message is printed to your screen too.
You never saw that because you have been clicking refine everyday. Stop clicking that refine button from now on and you will understand what we are telling you,