On Live you can go to any area, even if your below that area level in the vanilla game. Please don't take that away. I love the gith race but come on?
I like Some of the upgrades to the questlines. But I don't like being forced. There are times I like to skip over blacklake do quests in other areas or just level queue. Don't take away our ability to skip content! More less bring back all the zones we can go to as travel to again. I don't like them not being on the map. As this really hurts the ability to go anywhere.
Secret world legends did this. And I hope this isn't the direction Neverwinter is taking. I will be upset if they take away peoples ability to go to areas like ebon dawns where there is a tavern with some form of questlocking system and I know other players will be upset about thisif this is the change for any new character they have to go questline through questline just to unlock the ability to go to certain places. Right now I can go to Ebon Dawns with a level 13 dwarf right now the same freedom should apply to any new characters like the Gith.