DPS GF=no one wants a dps'er that does 2/3 the damage of others, the only possible hope is to run itf and hopefully end gamers will want the speed buff to run dungeons faster, but then your damage changes to 1/2 the others.
Tank GF=I am seeing the trend to opt out on having a tank, but if a party does indeed want a tank, they clearly are going to take the op over GF. The op has versatility, can do some damage (easily taking out mimics, for example), and has some party protections.
Possible solutions:
1. Give the dps some threat generating tools so you can keep aggro and be a dps tank lite. Most end game parties would want a dps GF if they knew they could skip the tank and have the dps gf keep aggro. Plus, would help with the godawful Vengence mechanic if things wanted to attack you and make it proc quickly. Seriously, even if we didn't have to waste dps time with the squat and had perma-Vengence, we would still be waaaaay behind the other classes in dps.
2. Give us some significant party buff stuff. ITF party damage buff should return, further increasing our value at the end game, and ITF, greater endurance and momentum should all be available for the tank spec.
3. Give the tank spec some damage, at least equal to divine judgement/smite combo on op.
4. Give tank spec some party-wide shield temp hp buff
5. Increase combat superiority buff to include everything, or jack it up more on at wills.
Feel free to add solution options or comment
Of course we stink, it's what happen when we take a dump on the toilet for so long without wiping our behind.Not happening.I hear you can already complete Lair with a 4x DPS/1x healer setup that doesn't involve our beloved bottom tier class. Changing Boat spec to a tank/DPS mix will not motivate people to take Goofy Fighters off the bench. Also not happening.
In their infinite "wisdom", the dev team removed 98% of all buffs in the game so one phases won't happen.
I doubt that they'll make Goofy Fighter special and give them a team buff, even if it was something laughable at 2.5%.
Or asterdahl or noworries will point to Commander's Strike and say "there's your team buff" (never mind it's a debuff and even considering it is technically bugged at double the listed value, the 10% debuff isn't enough to warrant picking bottom tier deeps over a class with actual damage) and go about their day. Also not happening.
Scour hard enough on the preview threadand you'll see some of us asked for things like ITF or Momentum to be universal.
Guess what feedback was(n't) "considered"?
How about we just nerf Smite and Bane base damage?
Both of these are within the scope of possibility for the devs to do... if you give them another 5 months...If every tank class is equally awful at dealing damage, they're all technically balanced, right?
DC? sure, dps is decent and also has ranged capability and there is the healing. OP? Of course! Nice tank, nice tank dps, healadin option, probably the best support toon. Barbarian? Well, I guess, dps is a little below the curve, but still not too bad, much better than goofy fighter. Goofy fighter? Well, if we can't find an op I guess we have no choice but take a goof fighter tank, but our healer better be pretty damn good. What? you say you want to play a dps goofy fighter? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think so.