i had found a issue in the game after i had logged in and after i saw my hud had got reset that i found it no longer looked like this and wounded if they where going to look into this issue and fix cause i know how frustrating it can be when you have to put all your stuff back the way it was when its no fun where i hope they can restore this
I wish there were some way to take a “snapshot” of our player Head’s Up Display settings so we can quickly return them to how we want it to appear after updates which resets the displays to the default settings instead of having to manually reset them every time.
- Set up your personal keybinds and GUI the way you desire to see it.
- Open chat in the game and type the following commands;
- /bind_save_file keys.txt
- /ui_save_file gui.txt
- Create a text file within the Neverwinter Live folder (mine is at; D\Cryptic Studios\Neverwinter\Live\localdata\) called "CommandAliases.txt"
- If it exists, just add this line to it.
- alias reset "unbind_all $$ ui_load_file gui.txt $$ bind_load_file keys.txt"
- save and exit the text file.
Now when your UI gets reset you can type /reset in chat and you are right back to business as usual.