Guild Name: Hell's Kennel.
Guild Contact: Iziwizi@iziwizi#3981, Augok@augok#1556
Guild Type: Family friendly, close knit, international guild.
Guild Peak Time Zones: 1pm PST (8pm GMT) to 11pm PST (6am GMT)
Entry Requirements: We accept any and all levels and experience.
Guild Hall: Level 8.
Marketplace: Level 4.
Barracks Rank 4: Gives Experience Points Bonus, Power Bonus.
Activity: We ask that you play at least once every 4 weeks.
Alliance: Order of Knights Radiant.
Position: Sword.
Please keep Alliance chat clean, no swearing.
We have a Guild Voice Chat as well as access to the Alliance Voice Chat on Discord.
Post edited by iziwizi#3981 on