* Adamantine Strike, Avalanche of Steel, and Savage Advance do not produce Rage when damaging opponent, or at all. Crescendo does. Have not tested Spinning Strike because it sucks and I never use it.
* Battle High states it "increases your maximum hitpoints by 35% and restores the amount increased." In practice, particularly in scaled areas, it increases max hp by much less than 35%. Depending on level you're scaled to it ranges from 5-32% according to ACT. In scaled instances it does not heal at all, regardless of level you're scaled to, and in unscaled content it heals for a random amount that is usually much less than the health increase it gives, ranging from 50-90ish percent of your increased health.
Control Immunity:
* No power, feat, feature, or ability that states it gives control immunity clears or prevents Partial Paralysis.
* Powers, feats, features, and abilities that state they give control immunity work inconsistently against dazes, knockdowns, knock-into-airs, pulls, and roots. They function correctly and consistently vs. stuns that aren't a component of Partial Paralysis.
* The immunity portion of Sprint (supposedly the first 1 second), Unstoppable, or Battlerage do not provide immunity to the damage, knockback, or debuff from rune traps in MEs. Block does. Unsure if all CC immunity is supposed to work and doesn't, or if no CC immunity is supposed to work and Block is doing something it's not supposed to. Either way, SOMETHING is bugged.
* The immunity portion of Sprint (supposedly the first 1 second) does not function consistently. Sometimes it works as it states. Sometimes the iframes come well past the first second while you are not immune in the first second. Sometimes you never get iframes. I suspect this is a serverside latency or packet-drop issue. While most places exhibit this problem on occasion it occurs much more frequently in highly populated zones or popular instances even if your particular instance is low-pop.
* Control effects that physically move a character (knockback, pull, knock-into-air, etc) that ARE prevented by a feat, feature, or ability (including block) that is supposed to provide CC immunity still physically move the character even if the status effect does not apply and/or no damage is done. This interrupts many of our abilities and frequently puts us out of position so we miss with whatever power we were casting when hit with the ability we're supposedly immune to.
* Stamina for Blademasters depletes in blocks instead of smoothly, meaning very short sprints use more stamina than they should/use the same stamina as longer sprints.
* Stamina does not start to regen in Blademaster spec for several seconds after you stop sprinting. Stamina starts to regenerate immediately for Sentinel spec.
* Stamina regenerates inconsistently and in spurts even when not under the effect of any stamina-increasing spells or abilities, for both specs
Rage Meter:
* Rage meter depletes inconsistently and in spurts, making timing of abilities difficult if not impossible.
Block/Sprint Mechanic:
* Block and Sprint are slow to respond to player input. Suspect serverside latency (my ping to server is good with no packet loss, don't notice/seem to have issues with other abilities not going off when I expect them to). Seems to be worse in high-population areas or popular instanced dungeons, even if your particular instance is low-pop.
* Pressing and holding the Shift key while being moved by a control effect or casting another ability simply cancels the input, instead of delaying it until the control effect ends or the ability goes off fully. As a result, you have to release and re-press it. No other class seems to have this problem, they can hold their shift key down and that function will activate as soon as the control effect ends or ability goes off.
Action/Animation Canceling
* Few abilities, including at-wills, can be interrupted to start blocking/sprinting. With many of our abilities having very long cast times/animations compared to previous modules, this leads to us getting hit far more frequently than we should.
* Some particularly long-animation abilities can be accidentally cancelled without moving by attempting to activate another ability, even after the graphic has played. Dailies and Axestorm seem to be the biggest culprits. Also effects mount powers and artifact activation, although that is not barbarian specific.
Powers and Abilities
* Come and Get It and Challenger's Charge state they place you at the top of the threat list. This component is completely nonfunctional. No indication they modify threat for you, the opponent, or party members in any way. You do not pull mobs off other people, your threat bar below your character portrait doesn't change, nothing.
* Indomitable Battle Strike occasionally fails to hit stationary targets you are fully facing, for no discernible reason. Does not seem to have any correlation to mob type or size.
* Spinning Strike continues to be interrupted by any ability that physically moves the player, even if you are (supposedly) immune to control effects.
* Steel Blitz procs off weapon enchantment damage as well as at-wills.
* Frenzy's realized damage seems out of line with its listed magnitude of 700. Seems to do roughly comparable damage to unfeated IBS (500).
* Battle Fury has a listed duration of 10 seconds. Consistently drops off the buff bar at 8 seconds.
* The Slow effect of Not So Fast either fails to apply or slows for such a low percent it's unnoticeable. Effectively worthless as a CC ability in conjunction with how fast mobs move in general now.
* Mighty Vitality either does not function properly or functions in a way other than as stated by the tooltip (IE, "base" health vs actual health): States it increases max HP by 10%, my character is realizing a ~4% increase with a Striker companion summoned (no health transfer from companion) and about a 2% increase with an Augment companion summoned (some health transfer from companion, companion is not legendary). In my DPS spec without that feature selected and with a Striker summoned in Yawning Portal I have 190,196 health. With the feat selected I go to 197,216 health, which is 3.69%.