About a month ago I had a pretty serious bug rear its ugly head which meant that I couldn't claim rewards for heroic encounters. I also had a couple of storylines that simply wouldn't allow me to progress in them, as well as several other bugged missions. I sent in several tickets about these. I didn't receive a response to a single one of them - not even an acknowledgement.
Now, I'm a customer who has invested hundreds of dollars into the game and has purchased long-term membership. I'm exactly the sort of paying customer that you want using your product.
This isn't a lecture, it's just a bit of positive feedback before I uninstall this game (that's how sadly disappointed I am with my experience of your company). If you want to retain customers and increase your profits, you really need to work on your customer service.
As someone who runs his own successful business I can say with truth that getting new customers is great but retaining existing customers is vital!
I don't think I've ever had such a negative experience from any online computer game company. It's not even rude, it's just so disinterested that it is depressing and has resulted in me quitting the game.
From a business p.o.v. this is money walking away from you and to a rival company.
You really need to sort out your poor customer service, people.