Hi, after playing a lot of group content (Throne, Prophecy, Ndemo, etc.) I am noticing that monster movement speed seems to be bugged.
Monsters now move at an incredible speed, far faster than PCs. The second phase of Throne, where the mobs spawn and you are supposed to kill them quickly... they race across the field and it's really hard to catch up to them as melee until they decide to engage. Or, in Ndemo first phase, if a tank loses aggro on Demogorgon, it is really hard for the tank to stay apace with demo.
The game didn't used to work this way. All creatures had reasonably similar speeds, allowing players to move around the battlefield tactically. A tank could stay near Demo and use a threat-increasing power, and a melee fighter could get to a mob of monsters and stay with them as they moved.
I really think this is a bug and needs to be adjusted.
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