This is something I want to know. Before you right click on them they show you their appearance their looks their abilties and stats. Now you can't do that and its bugging me. It bugs me that my healer won't heal as good as before. It bugs me that I can't look and see if there is a better healer. Out there I can replace her with. I don't like not being able to preview that stuff in ah when it was possible before to do so. I believe it was. The funny thing is. You can still do that with zen store. This stuff is need to know information. Like I need to know for sure what companions will be the best healer in combat. So I don't have to use as many health stones. Its important to know which stats give the best companion dps. Its important to know abilties how how can they heal. How much don't they heal while in combat. I know for a fact my priestess of sune isn't as good as before. Out of combat seems to heal like it normally does but in combat its like something like 1000 health per heal. That isn't good enough. I need a fully functional healer to solo content that is nerfed by this stupid scaling. I think previewing companions not being able to. Was done on purpose. I don't see this being a bug. Can we please have that back at least? I need to know what I'm buying or need to buy. That means been shown the stats and the attack abilties of the companions and not jus the player bonus. For having it equip. This bothers me what they have done this mod and some of the sneakiness about it. Like not being able to preview companion stats. I know they can't exactly I think get away with doing that with zen companions which is why they kept it in zenstore but not being able to preview the non zen store companions is just down right shady on so many levels. Edit also can see stats on trade bar store. But I could have sworn that you can do that with the collections page and in the ah by right clicking on the companion in the past.