I posted this on the PC general before I realized there was a class specific one.
https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1247543/some-things-about-my-devoted-clericI noticed a few more "fixes" since the last maintenance. 'Daunting Light's' seems to be the spiritual successor to Chains since chains only stuns now. DPS is up but still a smaller radius, size does matter here. Even though Javelin was good before I noticed a boost in DPS now. Sun Burst, what can I say, massive DPS. Good one on that Cryptic keep it as is.
The level drop bug in quests like "Defending the Sword Coast" (the area drops you to lvl 60 while keeping mobs at 73) still needs to be addressed.
Any suggestions on feats for defense?
Ulfrik DragonsyreHero of Neverwinter
Retribution Paladin of the realm
Siring quality Dragons for mounts and pets
Ulfrik Dragonsyre
Hero of Neverwinter
Retribution Paladin of the realm
Siring quality Dragons for mounts and pets