Hi, year after year, mod after mod, patch after patch, we get this same error.
After a patch, when we try to post to the AH, the item might post. Or, it might not post and we get an error:
"Unable to post your items for sale. Items placed back into your inventory."
This can happen repeatedly for the same item.
It usually clears up later that day, but sometimes it has continued for days. And when we get a patch, it starts happening all over again.
It is one of the most frustrating things to deal with, because the error counts as having posted something in terms of remembering posting price. This means that if we drag the item to sell it again, the Starting Bid and Buyout Price are set to 0. We have to now remember what the price was.
This is super frustrating with an item we take down from the AH and repost. We can forget what our price was and it can actually be a big AD loss over time, all of these piling up. The more we use the system, the more of a pain this is for a player.
It's been years. It would be really nice to see the Devs fix this.
Thank you.
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This seems to unlock the item so it can be sold normally.
Learn about Neverwinter and the Lore of D&D on YouTube
Check out my acclaimed products for the tabletop D&D game, including: Game Master's Guide to Evolving Magic Items and Jungle Treks or Chultan Death Curse: Revised for Tomb of Annihilation!
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