castle raven - Strahd aoe power is one-shot everyone (when sunsword in the center). Also sunsword deals too much damage too strath (about 75% HP in first phase). Also Executors may not krit and you'll stay alive. Also other mobs (your friends) in that room doing 0 damage to you. Also mobs and Executors not removes from room for next phase. Straht takes you again and Executors kills you.
on Lostmauth fight the same thing with lava's aoe (one-shot)
"sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"
Kessell's Retreat - Kessell fight: beholders have too much HP to be taken down by the party with dungeon required item level, also due to broken scaling higher geared parties have problems too; black ice spheres hit way too hard, like, really too hard, like for 80% HP.
I agree it is not easy fight (not much space when spheres and beholders are active), especially for lower ilvl toons. But I still see many players who do not even try to avoid ice spheres (yeap, Barbarians with blood on eyes do not see much ). Being on 17.5k Wizard that time we finished it with other similar Wizard alone from 75% boss HP, after rest of party was wiped by spheres (pug party) just because we knew what to do. And there is no need to kill beholders as they will start to fight on your site when below some certain HP (20% I believe). But many people do not know the bosses's mechanics still. (for anyone interested, some mechanics are described in Lore, Battle Tactics section - although not all, Kessell fight is).
Master Expeditions - several bugs: - mobs randomly stuck under mushrooms, unkillable since cannot be targeted, only non-target powers can slowly kill them with DoT like Hellfire Ring
As workaround which was working several times till now, use you fighting companion to kill such critters. It is enough to allow this critter attack you and your companion will find a path to this critter and will kill it (lions and tigers are the best as they do decent damage and finish it rather quick, or critter leaves problematics spot trying to avoid companion's attacks). Sometimes party suicide and starting again or just step back from fight area (all party members need to get back till you all are not in fight mode) works too.
- randomly group is stuck between areas, area explored gets unaccesible, area ahead has no portal to go through
This happened to me twice and in both cases the reason was there were some mobs still alive. Usually they fall down somewhere (yeap Wizards, use you push carefully ) and we need to find and kill them.
- randomly no reward from chest - this may have something to do with quest for restoring ruined armor piece, I had to drop it, take again, completed (got the orb from runic master), only after that chests started dropping stuff again
I hope this can help. This "solution" should be pinned somewhere.
I am not telling those things are not bugs but I am sharing experience.
I almost decided to create a new thread but figured I should put this here...something is wrong with the IL scaling values you have chosen. Master of the hunt is 11500...can take a little while to kill boss if you get an underpowered team but not a big problem. Dread Legion which is lv70 vs lvl64 is scaled to 9000???? No wonder it can take 25-30 minutes. I think someone goofed on that as MotH shouldn't be IL scaled to a value more than DL. DL might be just fine with 11500. I need to see what they set it for preview but right now its obvious someone messed up with the values for some of the skirmishes and probably dungeons as well.
Not a dungeon but an event. The damage of Dragons in the siege event should be examined. Constant one shots and nearly one shots. When you combine this with the missing red splats on ranged round AOE breath attacks, half the people trying to do the HE are constantly on the ground.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
Castle Ravenloft- I don't know if it is a bug but here the problem: in this game, red AOEs mean "go away now because big attack is coming", but in the case of Ravenloft 3rd boss, you die from these AOEs even if you dodge when they appear. If you are out of the AOE after dodging, you die anyway (as if the explosion followed you). The only way to survive is to go away when the flame appear (the flame will cause the AOE then the explosion) . Also the bats do their damage too early compared to the previous mod.
Is that intended?
Apart from this and what is been reported a few posts above, CR mobs and bosses are ridiculously easy now.
Merchant Prince's Folly Skirmish is not working properly. Players's GS is too low (13k), and mobs are too many and very hard to defeat. Mostly, we have the T-Rex, a very very hard mob, hard to kill and hard to tank away. Not always we have a tank in a skirmish party, so sometime it's really impossible to avoid it. In mod 15, there was no problem: I was able to kill the T-Rex by myself in less then a minute. Now it's impossible to kill it in 5 people, because everyone dies, again and again and again. A lot of parties are abandoned, and if you come to the end, you will get bronze or maximum silver. Very rare the gold, and only when the path of the game takes the players to the pier, where the T-Rex is not present.
Laksmi ---> splendid DC Purple Knight ---> scoundrel TR Surya Namaskar ---> strong GWF Golia ---> fair GF Nausicaa ---> dark SW Pallyda ---> growing up OP
Folly and Heist still require nerf imho. Those are campaign currency instances and as such should offer a tangible chance to reach gold by a team of levelling toons. As they are, most teams get rushed by hordes of spawning mobs and one-shotted by T-rex. You should also revisit levelling dungeons difficulty, from my experience the toons below lvl 80 running them get a high death count. I don't know about you, but it doesn't seem an encouraging experience to levelling players to me.
Have they fixed the Castle Ravenloft issue where, once you kill one of the sisters, the player with the tome can't pull the mist one away from the remaining one no matter what?
metalsabrwolfMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 59Arc User
What about the Vault skirmish? it is completely broken the mobs seem to use old player powers and lots of cc so it is virtually impossible to complete. i have ran it several times and died lots and it doesn't matter if there is a healer or not the scaling has completely gutted the fun in this skirmish
sometimes mimics in first boss phase of Lotmm have very high run speed. its not happening always but often enough to wirte about that issue. seems mimics are doubled in Speed as normal, dont know why.
The timing of several bosses seems to be off. By that I mean that the audio cue, the red warning zones and the animations are out of sync. Also, sometimes special attacks overlap, such as coccoon and mimic phases in Arcturia fight, or Ras Nsi's armor-breaking red stripe attack together with Defiant Souls. Bosses where I observed this sync problem are Sisters and Strahd in CR, Withers and Ras Nsi in tong and Arcturia in LOMM.
The stun effect of the lightning trap in Withers is extremely debilitating. No one in my party could move or cast powers in any meaningful way while that effect was going on.
Also, the Defiant Souls in the Ras Nsi fight still have too much HP. The groups I've been running with have had no major difficulties DPSing down bosses, including some tough ones like Avatar of Orcus, Withers, Ras Nsi, Sisters, Arcolith and Trobriand, but those souls just refuse to go down. Defiant indeed. Which means that the party wipes every time the Soulmonger attack happens, even though the rest of the fight is presenting no major difficulties.
Also sunsword deals too much damage too strath (about 75% HP in first phase).
Also Executors may not krit and you'll stay alive.
Also other mobs (your friends) in that room doing 0 damage to you.
Also mobs and Executors not removes from room for next phase. Straht takes you again and Executors kills you.
on Lostmauth fight the same thing with lava's aoe (one-shot)
And there is no need to kill beholders as they will start to fight on your site when below some certain HP (20% I believe).
But many people do not know the bosses's mechanics still. (for anyone interested, some mechanics are described in Lore, Battle Tactics section - although not all, Kessell fight is).
As workaround which was working several times till now, use you fighting companion to kill such critters. It is enough to allow this critter attack you and your companion will find a path to this critter and will kill it (lions and tigers are the best as they do decent damage and finish it rather quick, or critter leaves problematics spot trying to avoid companion's attacks).
Sometimes party suicide and starting again or just step back from fight area (all party members need to get back till you all are not in fight mode) works too. This happened to me twice and in both cases the reason was there were some mobs still alive. Usually they fall down somewhere (yeap Wizards, use you push carefully
I am not telling those things are not bugs but I am sharing experience.
If you are out of the AOE after dodging, you die anyway (as if the explosion followed you).
The only way to survive is to go away when the flame appear (the flame will cause the AOE then the explosion) .
Also the bats do their damage too early compared to the previous mod.
Is that intended?
Apart from this and what is been reported a few posts above, CR mobs and bosses are ridiculously easy now.
Purple Knight ---> scoundrel TR
Surya Namaskar ---> strong GWF
Golia ---> fair GF
Nausicaa ---> dark SW
Pallyda ---> growing up OP
You should also revisit levelling dungeons difficulty, from my experience the toons below lvl 80 running them get a high death count. I don't know about you, but it doesn't seem an encouraging experience to levelling players to me.
The stun effect of the lightning trap in Withers is extremely debilitating. No one in my party could move or cast powers in any meaningful way while that effect was going on.
Also, the Defiant Souls in the Ras Nsi fight still have too much HP. The groups I've been running with have had no major difficulties DPSing down bosses, including some tough ones like Avatar of Orcus, Withers, Ras Nsi, Sisters, Arcolith and Trobriand, but those souls just refuse to go down. Defiant indeed. Which means that the party wipes every time the Soulmonger attack happens, even though the rest of the fight is presenting no major difficulties.
How do you call this?
I call it a big f*** in the ***