To ALL the players who said raising the cap was a solution... I told you so.
The only solution is to either switch the Auction House to gold standards or remove the zax exchange altogether. Raising the cap the backlog floats to the top. Also all my items I have banked will increase in value, as the prices will inflate.
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
What are they going to do about it? I reckon, nothing. Paying customers get 50% more for their dollars. The backlog is smaller now, so FTP customers have a shorter wait, though they have to pay 50% more. The devs probably consider this a success.
Yes and no.
They get more AD for the ZEN but the AH prizes are going up also. This hurts the players who doesnt spend money. The problem is that they wont admite that, but its clear. They want more money or more paying players. Thats the whole think and is logical, is a business.
Players who had lots of AD hoarded, have lost a lot of value instantly. The only thing I can see balancing the ZAX is that now is harder to get AD, but that wont have effect until 1 month or more. And again that hurts players who dont spend money and play the game for AD.
Anyway while you can do the loop of AD-> ZEN -> Items -> AH -> Repeat is hard to balance the ZAX unless they remove the ZEN offers completely or they make the ZEN items bound.
Wondes why, You get Zen to buy in the Zen Market yet things are so Expensive you have to spend more than 50 Real Money on Pixels. Game Money used to be the Best for Currency this is like Bitcoin trying to break the system down.
Wondes why, You get Zen to buy in the Zen Market yet things are so Expensive you have to spend more than 50 Real Money on Pixels. Game Money used to be the Best for Currency this is like Bitcoin trying to break the system down.
I'm going to point this out again, and indeed, every chance I get.
1. I encourage all parties involved in this to cease Zen purchases, or even using the exchange (because people will stop buying Zen to "sell" for AD if people stop buying it). This is the clearest and fastest way to get the people in charge and the powers that be to understand that we do not like what has been done to the game. Vote with your wallet, because the almighty dollar/pound/euro/yen/etc. is all these guys understand.
2. And this is equally critical, there's not much to spend Zen on anymore. Enchantments are utterly worthless now, because by increasing the system from a 400 point system to a 1000 point system, without adjusting the enchantments, enchants now make up such a minutely small fraction of what your overall power level is (and that's before any attempt to scale you down even two levels results in a 25-40%+ slash in your powers, enchants included), that they are no longer worth investing the equivalent of hundreds of dollars of real world cash into the game to buy Coalescent and Preservation wards. This is what most Zen purchases or Zen/AD exchanges ultimately went towards, because you could always swap out enchantments and "keep" your investment, making them a solid, safe thing to invest in, rather than trying to buy another $40.00 repainted horse. The other big thing was VIP investments. But what's the point? Salvage is gone, so the AD boost there is meaningless. This makes running over the current seals equally mundane, and the new lockboxes are literally broken (I'm not kidding the few I opened with VIP keys gave me Tranquil enchantments, including a purple rank 7 with a "place holder" icon for its inventory slot, that does nothing and cannot be exchanged). There's literally nothing worth spending Zen or AD on at this point.
So I encourage everyone to stop buying Zen, stop panicking over the sudden and drastic decrease in value to their AD reserves. Sit back. Buy nothing. And let the ensuing drought of cash drive home the point of our discontent.
Wondes why, You get Zen to buy in the Zen Market yet things are so Expensive you have to spend more than 50 Real Money on Pixels. Game Money used to be the Best for Currency this is like Bitcoin trying to break the system down.
I'm going to point this out again, and indeed, every chance I get.
1. I encourage all parties involved in this to cease Zen purchases, or even using the exchange (because people will stop buying Zen to "sell" for AD if people stop buying it). This is the clearest and fastest way to get the people in charge and the powers that be to understand that we do not like what has been done to the game. Vote with your wallet, because the almighty dollar/pound/euro/yen/etc. is all these guys understand.
2. And this is equally critical, there's not much to spend Zen on anymore. Enchantments are utterly worthless now, because by increasing the system from a 400 point system to a 1000 point system, without adjusting the enchantments, enchants now make up such a minutely small fraction of what your overall power level is (and that's before any attempt to scale you down even two levels results in a 25-40%+ slash in your powers, enchants included), that they are no longer worth investing the equivalent of hundreds of dollars of real world cash into the game to buy Coalescent and Preservation wards. This is what most Zen purchases or Zen/AD exchanges ultimately went towards, because you could always swap out enchantments and "keep" your investment, making them a solid, safe thing to invest in, rather than trying to buy another $40.00 repainted horse. The other big thing was VIP investments. But what's the point? Salvage is gone, so the AD boost there is meaningless. This makes running over the current seals equally mundane, and the new lockboxes are literally broken (I'm not kidding the few I opened with VIP keys gave me Tranquil enchantments, including a purple rank 7 with a "place holder" icon for its inventory slot, that does nothing and cannot be exchanged). There's literally nothing worth spending Zen or AD on at this point.
So I encourage everyone to stop buying Zen, stop panicking over the sudden and drastic decrease in value to their AD reserves. Sit back. Buy nothing. And let the ensuing drought of cash drive home the point of our discontent.
The game is great in terms of playing it. Sure the feat options being limited is disappointing. But the difficulty of the dungeons is actually bringing back the fun. It was too easy in mod 15.
Wondes why, You get Zen to buy in the Zen Market yet things are so Expensive you have to spend more than 50 Real Money on Pixels. Game Money used to be the Best for Currency this is like Bitcoin trying to break the system down.
I'm going to point this out again, and indeed, every chance I get.
1. I encourage all parties involved in this to cease Zen purchases, or even using the exchange (because people will stop buying Zen to "sell" for AD if people stop buying it). This is the clearest and fastest way to get the people in charge and the powers that be to understand that we do not like what has been done to the game. Vote with your wallet, because the almighty dollar/pound/euro/yen/etc. is all these guys understand.
2. And this is equally critical, there's not much to spend Zen on anymore. Enchantments are utterly worthless now, because by increasing the system from a 400 point system to a 1000 point system, without adjusting the enchantments, enchants now make up such a minutely small fraction of what your overall power level is (and that's before any attempt to scale you down even two levels results in a 25-40%+ slash in your powers, enchants included), that they are no longer worth investing the equivalent of hundreds of dollars of real world cash into the game to buy Coalescent and Preservation wards. This is what most Zen purchases or Zen/AD exchanges ultimately went towards, because you could always swap out enchantments and "keep" your investment, making them a solid, safe thing to invest in, rather than trying to buy another $40.00 repainted horse. The other big thing was VIP investments. But what's the point? Salvage is gone, so the AD boost there is meaningless. This makes running over the current seals equally mundane, and the new lockboxes are literally broken (I'm not kidding the few I opened with VIP keys gave me Tranquil enchantments, including a purple rank 7 with a "place holder" icon for its inventory slot, that does nothing and cannot be exchanged). There's literally nothing worth spending Zen or AD on at this point.
So I encourage everyone to stop buying Zen, stop panicking over the sudden and drastic decrease in value to their AD reserves. Sit back. Buy nothing. And let the ensuing drought of cash drive home the point of our discontent.
The game is great in terms of playing it. Sure the feat options being limited is disappointing. But the difficulty of the dungeons is actually bringing back the fun. It was too easy in mod 15.
Wonderful, I'm glad you're having fun. Truly, I am (seriously, not being sarcastic here. I would much rather actually be enjoying this module and be playing it, rather than complaining on the forums about what a trainwreck it is). But then you get people like me. Who are used to, and indeed, get their enjoyment from helping guildmates get through tough content. I like reaching down and metaphorically helping to pull others up. To invoke D&D terms, I'm a dirty, min-maxing power gamer that enjoys using said power to help others through stuff they would otherwise not be able to accomplish without multiple wipes and hours of their time. And guess what the scaling does? The first night of the module, I went to help a lower level individual through a story mission, the first expedition. And that lower level, lesser geared individual who I went to assist wound up having to carry *me* through the mission.
Do you know why? Because I was two levels above her. And that resulted in a 20-40% hit to every single one of my stats. Stats that had not changed since level 71. I was *punished* for playing the game. I have gone from being an asset to my guild to being *a liability*.
And what do I get in exchange for this? I watch my class bisected in a way that doesn't make any sense (for god's sake, they gave the feat that boosts elemental damage to the CW paragon path that *doesn't use elemental attacks!*) to watch my stats be forcefully reset and mandated to where my secondary stat does nothing but assist my *outgoing healing*. Because the wizard is clearly meant to be a combat medic...somehow... By gutting any customization or meaningful, intricate feat and boon progression.
So why should I support it? Why should any of us support it? Enlighten me.
obsiddiaMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,025Arc User
edited May 2019
Well, after waiting so long in the 500 line and then having to then move to the 750 line, I see an upside to my broken arm.
Perhaps when I’m healed... nah, prolly not. Used exchange for VIP. So I’m done whenever that’s no longer possible.
Post edited by obsiddia on
Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
Not sure why the ZAX change was pushed through with Undermountain but without improving the Wonderous Bazaar at the same time, at least it's working again... at the moment... it took 14 days to get two new listings at 750 AD per ZEN through.
To ALL the players who said raising the cap was a solution... I told you so.
The only solution is to either switch the Auction House to gold standards or remove the zax exchange altogether. Raising the cap the backlog floats to the top. Also all my items I have banked will increase in value, as the prices will inflate.
No I told you, it should have been raised higher.. and it still needs to be higher. You haven't told anyone anything. LOL
To ALL the players who said raising the cap was a solution... I told you so.
The only solution is to either switch the Auction House to gold standards or remove the zax exchange altogether. Raising the cap the backlog floats to the top. Also all my items I have banked will increase in value, as the prices will inflate.
No I told you, it should have been raised higher.. and it still needs to be higher. You haven't told anyone anything. LOL
You were wrong then...
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
No I told you, it should have been raised higher.. and it still needs to be higher. You haven't told anyone anything. LOL
I don't know why you persist in this nonsense, but raising the cap does essentially nothing to actually solve the problem. A "proper" fix would actually focus on cutting the Zen->Items->AH->AD->Zen loop, which actually discourages players from converting their Zen to AD directly.
As it is, raising the cap just makes the "flipping" of items more profitable per item, and increases inflation (or, rather, changes existing "hidden" inflation into "real" inflation).
Move the pres wards and coal wards(100k for coal ward, 10k for 10 pres wards) to the wonderous bazaar, add enchanting stones(UES, etc) to the bazaar. Cut the cost of everything in the bazaar to say 10k for an UMOP/UES, and the cost of comps/mounts in the bazaar by 90%. That would take ad out fast.
As a casual player I'm not willing to spend my entire weekends worth of diamond farming on 1 UMOP, and a few GMOPs. If I could buy pres wards with AD, I would never have to exchange ad for zen, unless I wanted VIP, or found something else that I thought I couldn't live without.
Just a reminder that they want you to buy zen with dollars, not with AD. And when I read you, I can imagine some players in your case, which use their wallet because they need their AD for other things.
@krumple01 I was in PE yesterday and someone asked why are the epic mounts so high priced. To which I replied, the zax charges more 750 AD so I raised my prices 3 times the amount. Pay me. They responded, but that makes no sense, why should I pay you more AD for something that was running 130K last month? Supply and demand, I answered, I have the supply and demand you pay me what I am asking for it.
At the moment, I am sitting on many banks full of old epic mounts, I have 5.5 Million AD, and I am AD capped for the next 3 days on my account. What do I plan to buy? Why nothing of course. If I want something for zen, I will buy zen with cash. It is my opinion, there is no real need for the zax at all. As @bobo#5090 said above, they need 2 stores and set prices. Zen market to sell items for cash and the AD market to sell the same items for AD. This would prevent players buying items for zen and flipping them in the AH as @adinosii has stated. Sell Coalescent wards for 1000 zen and sell the same for 300K AD in the wondrous bazaar. This means anyone buying a ward to sell would only be able to ask for less than 300K AD in the AH.
As it stands now, anyone can (but I don't) do the following; Buy zen for AD, wait for a coupon to drop during a 20% off sale and get the item for 35% off. Now the item that sells for 1000 zen is 650 zen. One can sell the item for 800K AD then reinvest the AD into the zax for 1066 zen at 750 per. They still have 350 zen and plan to get 1066 from the zax. Snowballing effect of this alone causes the backlog to grow exponentially.
More players want zen for something (usually VIP) that is not available to them via the AH or the wondrous bazaar. Thus they jump on the zax and add to the backlog. VIP and some services should be a cash only item and they should just remove the zax altogether and make it so. Currently a US senator (I don't know his name because he is not my senator) is pushing a bill to ban loot boxes from online gaming. I doubt it will go through. He claims it is to protect children from games that encourage gambling. But down the road, I imagine someone will get their bill through and it will be the end to these aggressive micro transactions and any kind of "free to play" format. Game companies in the near future will need to return to a monthly cash subscription or die.
In order to stop these back logs there has to be an offset of sales. Such as putting selling Zen back to 500 AD max and buying Zen at current 750 AD. This would give the market their profit threshold. I know it hurts the pay to play players but also hurts those of us who grind for AD to get the Zen. This would give the market movement and clear the backlogs.
The only solution is to either switch the Auction House to gold standards or remove the zax exchange altogether. Raising the cap the backlog floats to the top. Also all my items I have banked will increase in value, as the prices will inflate.
They get more AD for the ZEN but the AH prizes are going up also. This hurts the players who doesnt spend money. The problem is that they wont admite that, but its clear. They want more money or more paying players. Thats the whole think and is logical, is a business.
Players who had lots of AD hoarded, have lost a lot of value instantly. The only thing I can see balancing the ZAX is that now is harder to get AD, but that wont have effect until 1 month or more. And again that hurts players who dont spend money and play the game for AD.
Anyway while you can do the loop of AD-> ZEN -> Items -> AH -> Repeat is hard to balance the ZAX unless they remove the ZEN offers completely or they make the ZEN items bound.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
1. I encourage all parties involved in this to cease Zen purchases, or even using the exchange (because people will stop buying Zen to "sell" for AD if people stop buying it). This is the clearest and fastest way to get the people in charge and the powers that be to understand that we do not like what has been done to the game. Vote with your wallet, because the almighty dollar/pound/euro/yen/etc. is all these guys understand.
2. And this is equally critical, there's not much to spend Zen on anymore. Enchantments are utterly worthless now, because by increasing the system from a 400 point system to a 1000 point system, without adjusting the enchantments, enchants now make up such a minutely small fraction of what your overall power level is (and that's before any attempt to scale you down even two levels results in a 25-40%+ slash in your powers, enchants included), that they are no longer worth investing the equivalent of hundreds of dollars of real world cash into the game to buy Coalescent and Preservation wards. This is what most Zen purchases or Zen/AD exchanges ultimately went towards, because you could always swap out enchantments and "keep" your investment, making them a solid, safe thing to invest in, rather than trying to buy another $40.00 repainted horse. The other big thing was VIP investments. But what's the point? Salvage is gone, so the AD boost there is meaningless. This makes running over the current seals equally mundane, and the new lockboxes are literally broken (I'm not kidding the few I opened with VIP keys gave me Tranquil enchantments, including a purple rank 7 with a "place holder" icon for its inventory slot, that does nothing and cannot be exchanged). There's literally nothing worth spending Zen or AD on at this point.
So I encourage everyone to stop buying Zen, stop panicking over the sudden and drastic decrease in value to their AD reserves. Sit back. Buy nothing. And let the ensuing drought of cash drive home the point of our discontent.
Do you know why? Because I was two levels above her. And that resulted in a 20-40% hit to every single one of my stats. Stats that had not changed since level 71. I was *punished* for playing the game. I have gone from being an asset to my guild to being *a liability*.
And what do I get in exchange for this? I watch my class bisected in a way that doesn't make any sense (for god's sake, they gave the feat that boosts elemental damage to the CW paragon path that *doesn't use elemental attacks!*) to watch my stats be forcefully reset and mandated to where my secondary stat does nothing but assist my *outgoing healing*. Because the wizard is clearly meant to be a combat medic...somehow... By gutting any customization or meaningful, intricate feat and boon progression.
So why should I support it? Why should any of us support it? Enlighten me.
Perhaps when I’m healed... nah, prolly not. Used exchange for VIP. So I’m done whenever that’s no longer possible.
As it is, raising the cap just makes the "flipping" of items more profitable per item, and increases inflation (or, rather, changes existing "hidden" inflation into "real" inflation).
And when I read you, I can imagine some players in your case, which use their wallet because they need their AD for other things.
At the moment, I am sitting on many banks full of old epic mounts, I have 5.5 Million AD, and I am AD capped for the next 3 days on my account. What do I plan to buy? Why nothing of course. If I want something for zen, I will buy zen with cash. It is my opinion, there is no real need for the zax at all. As @bobo#5090 said above, they need 2 stores and set prices. Zen market to sell items for cash and the AD market to sell the same items for AD. This would prevent players buying items for zen and flipping them in the AH as @adinosii has stated. Sell Coalescent wards for 1000 zen and sell the same for 300K AD in the wondrous bazaar. This means anyone buying a ward to sell would only be able to ask for less than 300K AD in the AH.
As it stands now, anyone can (but I don't) do the following; Buy zen for AD, wait for a coupon to drop during a 20% off sale and get the item for 35% off. Now the item that sells for 1000 zen is 650 zen. One can sell the item for 800K AD then reinvest the AD into the zax for 1066 zen at 750 per. They still have 350 zen and plan to get 1066 from the zax. Snowballing effect of this alone causes the backlog to grow exponentially.
More players want zen for something (usually VIP) that is not available to them via the AH or the wondrous bazaar. Thus they jump on the zax and add to the backlog. VIP and some services should be a cash only item and they should just remove the zax altogether and make it so. Currently a US senator (I don't know his name because he is not my senator) is pushing a bill to ban loot boxes from online gaming. I doubt it will go through. He claims it is to protect children from games that encourage gambling. But down the road, I imagine someone will get their bill through and it will be the end to these aggressive micro transactions and any kind of "free to play" format. Game companies in the near future will need to return to a monthly cash subscription or die.