The Vanguard paragon path has the feat "Brazen Thrust: Brazen slash now has a chance to reset the cooldown time of piercing thrust". The Dreadnought paragon path has the feat "Prepared Pierce: Grants Brazen slash a 100% chance that your next piercing thrust will deal an additional 200 magnitude damage".
However, there is no power named "piercing thrust" in the powers tab. Was it removed, or renamed, and the Feats just weren't updated? Or is it just not showing up in my powers tab?
I started as a level 1 fighter on the preview shard, made it to level 50, and these are the powers currently available to me:
At Wills:
Cleave, Brazen Slash, Shield bash, Guarded strike, Heavy Slash (Dreadnought), Threatening Rush (Vanguard)
Shield Slam, Knee breaker, Bull Charge, Shield Throw, Anvil of Doom, Commander's Strike (D), Tremor (D), Enforced Threat(V), Knights Challenge(V)
Earthshaker, second wind, determination, Shockwave(D), Bladed Rampart(V)
I looked at the powers that are not unlocked yet, and there is no Piercing Thrust there anywhere. I haven't seen anyone else in the forums mention this. Is this just me?
If you try the boat feat that buffs the damage of Lunging Strike, Tremor will get the highlighted box that denotes the special buffed power synergy. Not particularly interested in testing if Tremor gets its damage gets buffed, waiting for asterdahl's promised rework.
I can only hope that "this is what you've asked for" is not used in the same sense as Mod 15's TR "rework".