TC same as RI drop-off got fixed at least, so there are small steps forward.
Not sure how other classes would perform, having constant CA. NPNM actually is the one and only reason why warlock can hold against other dps imo. If CA is applied constantly for all classes, warlock would simply be one of the worst dps at current state.
Do you think the June 6th update about Creeping Death will be helpful for Hellbringer?
"Hellbringer Creeping Death now properly affects all enemies damaged by the Warlock, rather than just one per cast."
Clarification: I know any fix is good, of course, but will this actually add up to something impactful? Mind you I've been traveling for work since May 21st, and won't be on again until the 17th of June at which time I can check things out. So curious about yours, and others, opinion!
Actual lomm shard. Creeping Death is still bugged and does an awefull ammount of damage in the long run.
it get´s deleted most of the time and there are pretty few occasions wher eit ticks down 5 times over 5 sec, like this one , my biggest impact witht that feat. The ammount of damage is correct..but it procs only occasional.
if you look up for the proc over time it looks like this. It does not stack and is actually a wasted feat.
Compared to my other builds , all running Parting Blasphemy (FB/KF+HG+CB/HFR), there is no big difference between PB adn WC. More like equal, maybe even better damageoutput using Warlocks Curse feat and running HFR+HG+FB/KF most of the time, hard to tell. I doubt that Warlocks Curse is not working actually , it did work on preview all time, actually I did not check it tbh. So I gonna respect this build into Warlocks Curse + Executioners Gift next time.
PS: from my impression Warlocks Curse is not too bad, skipping Cursed Bites for HFR and running HG+HFR, FB at trash and KF at bosses, I feel like having better results. But it´s only my actual impression, not having dealt in between with any good performing CW/TR/Hunter on that build.
PS: from my impression Warlocks Curse is not too bad, skipping Cursed Bites for HFR and running HG+HFR, FB at trash and KF at bosses, I feel like having better results. But it´s only my actual impression, not having dealt in between with any good performing CW/TR/Hunter on that build.
You're probably right. The major caveat is that the boss has to hold still for long periods of time, or HFR is wasted. Many bosses ARE mostly stationary, but in LOMM only the Boreworm holds its position. Arcturia's too mobile, and Trobriand can go either way.
It´s not only about pure damage but also about functionality imo. HFR reload sparks pretty good, the more mobs the better.
Hadar grasp= zero spark gain on crit Killing Flame= 1 spark gain on crit Lesser Curse=zero spark, can´t crit Puppet= zero spark, no matter waht happens Parting Blasphemy= zero sparks on crit All encounter that do Curse consume actually suck in terms of sparkgain.
Actual lomm shard. Creeping Death is still bugged and does an awefull ammount of damage in the long run.
I mean, if these guys don't see the problem with this image i don't know what to think. Doohickey is our 2nd most powerful source of damage and it's not even ours. Warlock curse indeed Works when i tried it, didn't try it with curse consume Powers tho. Maybe with those the curse consuming procs before the damage and leaves those Powers without the 10%. Honestly i'm running short of respec tokens and won't waste anymore to try that. My warlock hits as it is, not the best but gets the job done. Yes I depend on doohickey and envenomed journal but well, the devs are showing no interest on making the warlock work from day one of preview. I also eliminated the healer loadout and made one loadout for aoe and one for single target, with the aoe one having the perma puppet because there is no consistent power apart from hardar grasp to stack investiture. Soul scorch seems like a nerf every time i press tab, would be good if with tab we could summon a puppet (with a decent cooldown and spark consume)
Actual lomm shard. Creeping Death is still bugged and does an awefull ammount of damage in the long run.
I mean, if these guys don't see the problem with this image i don't know what to think. Doohickey is our 2nd most powerful source of damage and it's not even ours. Warlock curse indeed Works when i tried it, didn't try it with curse consume Powers tho. Maybe with those the curse consuming procs before the damage and leaves those Powers without the 10%. Honestly i'm running short of respec tokens and won't waste anymore to try that. My warlock hits as it is, not the best but gets the job done. Yes I depend on doohickey and envenomed journal but well, the devs are showing no interest on making the warlock work from day one of preview. I also eliminated the healer loadout and made one loadout for aoe and one for single target, with the aoe one having the perma puppet because there is no consistent power apart from hardar grasp to stack investiture. Soul scorch seems like a nerf every time i press tab, would be good if with tab we could summon a puppet (with a decent cooldown and spark consume)
If tab would spawn a puppet it would help a lot. I also run aoe and focus setup (RI).
The most embarassing tbh is the Soulweaver path. The ammount of incoming damage and the lack of any other healing spells than Shatter Spark are hard to understand. I was nearly paingiver due to selfinflicted damage (50%) and most encounter and power dealt more damage to me than healing the teammember (SoulPact-bugged same as Warlocks Bargain). Soulpact was doing 4 ticks epr seconds leeching 80% of maxHP (unmitigateable) and Warlocks Bargain healed for 15% in relation to the damage it dealt towards me. I was on top of the tank in the end concerning taken damage.. same as death. Wraith Shadow is the crown of uselessness since it is WAI. A DOT/HOT ticking for 12 seconds, healing for 40 mag aoe every 2-3 seconds >>>40 mag<<< unbelievable, this is NWO reality. Soul Defiler, an ability that heals for 1% (if feated, lol), transfering 1% of dealt damage as heal towards teammember? In the end it did 1% overall healing even though running dps encounter for a significant period, lol. Do devs think we can tinker a DPS-Healing-spec out of this to do it like we did for the last 12 mods? -> "Full-dps-Soulweaver" topping the party 24/7 with healing tics arround 14 to 40 (average 17 !) If I would be responsible for all this, I would feel ashame and beg for forgiveness.
Soulweaver in FBI, watch this: outgoing damage overall healing, from wich Borrowed time and Oppressors Reprevieve are only selfheal same as Health regen, Healingpotion, Campfire and revive etc., Soul Investiture and Regeneration are puppet health spawns. If you sum it up, soulweaver does 76% of healing with Shatter Spark, an underperforming spell compared to other healer ingame. I am tempted to run a lomm with this setup and post my overall death in the forum, if I find any healthy player that dare to team up with me. incoming damage, it´s only toothless FBI (..except bugged Hypothermia)
In the end, the more mods this game steps forward, the less interest or engagement devs show esp. for this class. Maybe due to the fact that noone really can handle it, being one of a long list of devs left alone with a huge bunch of bugs, hidden behind a wall of mysterious spaghetti-code.
At least schietindebux has saved me the trouble of trying to make soulweaver work for me. Thx..
Now we just need to get one of the Devs to actually play a warlock at a high level of proficiency, cause if there is such a unicorn, they are certainly not showing it
I saw a dev comment that the warlock in their internal testing seemed to be doing quite well so I asked for the powers/feats gear that they were running because I didn't believe it. No response to that of course.
But as a note, one of our alliance warlocks does quite well but he stacked CA to cap and focused less on power. CA with NPNM provides a higher DPS return than stacking power directly without the CA. Our encounters don't have the magnitude to make use of the higher power when compared to other classes, wizards for example.
My own experience - with correct feats and rotation except for NPNM - was miserable. Offense stats at cap, decent mount powers and companion powers, nearly 150k power and my DPS output was less than the Ranger, Wizard and the Paladin. AND THE PALADIN. Ridiculous.
No trap choices was supposed to be one of the goals of this mod. For the warlock that is a total fail.
I haven't bothered investing into CA, unfortunately my choice was all power and for the warlock that doesn't work.
But good luck and good gaming to the rest of you still playing.
Actually I run CA capped and power at 156k and all % gear (Demon lord set). I run Warlocks Curse and stick with KF+HFR(FB at 1. boss)+FB (trash)/HG (bosses) Not using Curse consume except HG at bosses, NPNM+ DtD active all time. Doing so I can hold against some of those Hunter, CW, TR etc., the average player I´d say at similar stats, and damage is ok not over the top by sure. A good performinng "220k power CW" capped at CA with % gear and new artifacts same as current set is 90 mio, I am about 66 mio thatlike in lomm. I have to agree with @lordtweety#3604 if you stuff your paladin adaequat and maybe use a reflect boon on top of tenebrous a Paladin can deal a lot of dps. Not that my tank can, but i met one or two... but I had to tank Trobriand for 60% of that fight somehow on my 250k HP warlock, since Paladin was more interested in dps than actually tanking, ugly deal.
Warlock dps is seriously flawed with ri stacks dropping off constantly on console. My wizard can sustain self damage buffs and get more damage output on dummies and in lomm with 30k less power. Both have the same gear, artifacts, etc but wizard has lower power companions, runestones and enchants. If ri stacks were sustainable if would be better damage output but max hit on killing flames without artifact activation is low. 290k on crit hits with no ri stack, most crit hits average around 320k to 560k and one up to 680k then ri loss.
Really need to fix ri stacks to stop dropping off on follow up stack or adjust magnitudes upwards to compensate. There arent any build diversity options since feats are pretty much self defeating. Seriously, last time I tested creeping death dealt 9k damage ticks after a 320k killing flames was the beat I ever rotations creeping death drops and gets stuck at 104 damage ticks for ages so it doesnt give 10% or stack properly. It's almost like it procs a low non crit initial hit from hfr and gets stuck.
I cant believe how much wizard outperform encounters dailys and atwills on warlocks all in all. Our brood and tc hits pathetic, less damage than killing flames, less than half what iceknife hits on an underpowered wizard.
Cc from cw and actual dodge means way less deaths and damage avoidance, whereas the sw gets stuck on attack and glides right back into hits he should have been free of and no DMG mitigation from shadowslip.
I ran with a another wizard I know who also has 190k power and his damage was about 30% higher across multiple runs.
I think the new mod sucks. Before I had an item level roughly 14.3k and could do leveling and intermediate queues with little to no problem. Now I can't even do an intermediate without croaking at least 5 times and some I can't even finish. What's even more messed up is my item level went UP 3000 points. This new mod is a load of horseshit and cryptic needs fix it. At the least, I (and everyone else for that matter) should get all our money back that we have poured into this game. Probly a good $400 for me but you can't screw up a game and then expect everyone to just take it. Cryptic can stick this new mod straight up there HAMSTER and super glue their HAMSTER cheeks shut!
Furthermore, the damage on at will powers is pitiful and laughable now. No point is using them really but I also get tired of smiting every enemy to death. It's like a broken record and doesn't take long to get redundant and BORING! Almost to the point I might play something else for a few months or just never play again.
If you use r1 for cooldown reduction, you can use encounters, dsa, r1 with as few as 2 to 3 at wills in rotation. Keep in mind you will be sacrificing 4.5%dmg buff from spark stacking for cooldown reduction, depending on dsa generation, amount of cursed adds. But, single target is more atwill centered.
Well, something changed after last night patch to dps spec. Slightly better results in testing, slightly better dps in lomm with same test group. Max killing flames now at 820k and averaging closer to 380 first stack, then 500-600k average. Slightly higher but nothing documented on changes to dps spec that would account for it. I still have a problem with ri stacks dropping off faster than expected, it's feels like it drops to 1 instead of completely dropping off. Before, when I last tested I would see flat crits with kf at 260k, same as no stack, following a hg consume. Also, tested creeping death. Same bad results this time it's getting stuck at around 164 dmg per tick after killing flames, atwills, etc. Stayed at 164 for multiple rotations in logs and doesnt appear to change or stack though frequently it quits procing for a rotation or longer after a vorpal damage proc in log.
Attempted healer soulweaver in lomm again. First boss no problem, but heal magnitude still mediocre during charges with spark managment near impossible second and final boss. My paladin and cleric breeze though healing while warlock is a struggle at best in comparrison.
Still not sure where the warlock is supposed to sit in groups. Not tanky and unable to dodge properly (get stuck in attack animations so no damage reductions either), small magnitudes for dps and heals, doesnt play well with other warlocks due to cross curse consumption which can make it loose up to 35% damage. While classes like the wizard share chill stacks, roe, other buffs etc.
So absolutely no ones posting asking for a soulweaver lomm healer, let alone dps.
You can build a wizard, throw on %DMG gear, get to 160k power with all black ice, no ca cap any random augment at epic, any random weapon enchant and do 1m dmg daily. The encounter cooldown and ap gain is much better and can do dailys twice as often hitting 3x harder, 20 second encounters reduced to 13 seconds with 2x magnitudes.
The wizards at will does either 500-280 magnitude per second. Sadly ray of frost outperforms all warlocks daily, encounters and atwills alone.
With 2 wizard runs they can buff each other by 22% aand share chill stacks so max stacks instantly. My 160k power wizard can do 20% more damage than my maxed warlock. The second wizard at 190k does 40% more damage than than maxed warlock with 206kbase power 216k with sorbet, stat caps, 117 crit sev, vorpal, all %dmg gear,all leg comps, etc. Same holds true running with hr at same stats with dmg disparity. Cleric and barbi are at the same damage threshold while able to tank and heal or buff some on top.
Warlock class is poorly implemented, feats counter productive, broken, low magnitudes, mediocre dot and hot compared to other classes, subpar heal mechanics, buffs, class synergy, etc. Just lackluster in every aspect of the class whether dps or healer.
Might as well reskin the class holding a pact knife by the pointy end and animate it stabbing itself to visually match the class mechanics.
Creeping Death now properly affects all enemies damaged by the Warlock, rather than just one per cast."
Clarification: I know any fix is good, of course, but will this actually add up to something impactful? Mind you I've been traveling for work since May 21st, and won't be on again until the 17th of June at which time I can check things out. So curious about yours, and others, opinion!
it get´s deleted most of the time and there are pretty few occasions wher eit ticks down 5 times over 5 sec, like this one , my biggest impact witht that feat. The ammount of damage is correct..but it procs only occasional.
if you look up for the proc over time it looks like this. It does not stack and is actually a wasted feat.
Compared to my other builds , all running Parting Blasphemy (FB/KF+HG+CB/HFR), there is no big difference between PB adn WC. More like equal, maybe even better damageoutput using Warlocks Curse feat and running HFR+HG+FB/KF most of the time, hard to tell. I doubt that Warlocks Curse is not working actually , it did work on preview all time, actually I did not check it tbh. So I gonna respect this build into Warlocks Curse + Executioners Gift next time.
PS: from my impression Warlocks Curse is not too bad, skipping Cursed Bites for HFR and running HG+HFR, FB at trash and KF at bosses, I feel like having better results. But it´s only my actual impression, not having dealt in between with any good performing CW/TR/Hunter on that build.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
HFR reload sparks pretty good, the more mobs the better.
Hadar grasp= zero spark gain on crit
Killing Flame= 1 spark gain on crit
Lesser Curse=zero spark, can´t crit
Puppet= zero spark, no matter waht happens
Parting Blasphemy= zero sparks on crit
All encounter that do Curse consume actually suck in terms of sparkgain.
Warlock curse indeed Works when i tried it, didn't try it with curse consume Powers tho. Maybe with those the curse consuming procs before the damage and leaves those Powers without the 10%. Honestly i'm running short of respec tokens and won't waste anymore to try that. My warlock hits as it is, not the best but gets the job done. Yes I depend on doohickey and envenomed journal but well, the devs are showing no interest on making the warlock work from day one of preview.
I also eliminated the healer loadout and made one loadout for aoe and one for single target, with the aoe one having the perma puppet because there is no consistent power apart from hardar grasp to stack investiture.
Soul scorch seems like a nerf every time i press tab, would be good if with tab we could summon a puppet (with a decent cooldown and spark consume)
The most embarassing tbh is the Soulweaver path. The ammount of incoming damage and the lack of any other healing spells than Shatter Spark are hard to understand. I was nearly paingiver due to selfinflicted damage (50%) and most encounter and power dealt more damage to me than healing the teammember (SoulPact-bugged same as Warlocks Bargain). Soulpact was doing 4 ticks epr seconds leeching 80% of maxHP (unmitigateable) and Warlocks Bargain healed for 15% in relation to the damage it dealt towards me.
I was on top of the tank in the end concerning taken damage.. same as death.
Wraith Shadow is the crown of uselessness since it is WAI. A DOT/HOT ticking for 12 seconds, healing for 40 mag aoe every 2-3 seconds >>>40 mag<<< unbelievable, this is NWO reality.
Soul Defiler, an ability that heals for 1% (if feated, lol), transfering 1% of dealt damage as heal towards teammember?
In the end it did 1% overall healing even though running dps encounter for a significant period, lol.
Do devs think we can tinker a DPS-Healing-spec out of this to do it like we did for the last 12 mods?
-> "Full-dps-Soulweaver" topping the party 24/7 with healing tics arround 14 to 40 (average 17 !)
If I would be responsible for all this, I would feel ashame and beg for forgiveness.
Soulweaver in FBI, watch this:
outgoing damage
overall healing, from wich Borrowed time and Oppressors Reprevieve are only selfheal same as Health regen, Healingpotion, Campfire and revive etc., Soul Investiture and Regeneration are puppet health spawns.
If you sum it up, soulweaver does 76% of healing with Shatter Spark, an underperforming spell compared to other healer ingame.
I am tempted to run a lomm with this setup and post my overall death in the forum, if I find any healthy player that dare to team up with me.
incoming damage, it´s only toothless FBI (..except bugged Hypothermia)
At least schietindebux has saved me the trouble of trying to make soulweaver work for me. Thx..
Now we just need to get one of the Devs to actually play a warlock at a high level of proficiency, cause if there is such a unicorn, they are certainly not showing it
But as a note, one of our alliance warlocks does quite well but he stacked CA to cap and focused less on power. CA with NPNM provides a higher DPS return than stacking power directly without the CA. Our encounters don't have the magnitude to make use of the higher power when compared to other classes, wizards for example.
My own experience - with correct feats and rotation except for NPNM - was miserable. Offense stats at cap, decent mount powers and companion powers, nearly 150k power and my DPS output was less than the Ranger, Wizard and the Paladin. AND THE PALADIN. Ridiculous.
No trap choices was supposed to be one of the goals of this mod. For the warlock that is a total fail.
I haven't bothered investing into CA, unfortunately my choice was all power and for the warlock that doesn't work.
But good luck and good gaming to the rest of you still playing.
Guild: Ruathym Corsairs
I run Warlocks Curse and stick with KF+HFR(FB at 1. boss)+FB (trash)/HG (bosses)
Not using Curse consume except HG at bosses, NPNM+ DtD active all time.
Doing so I can hold against some of those Hunter, CW, TR etc., the average player I´d say at similar stats, and damage is ok not over the top by sure.
A good performinng "220k power CW" capped at CA with % gear and new artifacts same as current set is 90 mio, I am about 66 mio thatlike in lomm.
I have to agree with @lordtweety#3604 if you stuff your paladin adaequat and maybe use a reflect boon on top of tenebrous a Paladin can deal a lot of dps. Not that my tank can, but i met one or two... but I had to tank Trobriand for 60% of that fight somehow on my 250k HP warlock, since Paladin was more interested in dps than actually tanking, ugly deal.
Really need to fix ri stacks to stop dropping off on follow up stack or adjust magnitudes upwards to compensate. There arent any build diversity options since feats are pretty much self defeating. Seriously, last time I tested creeping death dealt 9k damage ticks after a 320k killing flames was the beat I ever rotations creeping death drops and gets stuck at 104 damage ticks for ages so it doesnt give 10% or stack properly. It's almost like it procs a low non crit initial hit from hfr and gets stuck.
I cant believe how much wizard outperform encounters dailys and atwills on warlocks all in all. Our brood and tc hits pathetic, less damage than killing flames, less than half what iceknife hits on an underpowered wizard.
Cc from cw and actual dodge means way less deaths and damage avoidance, whereas the sw gets stuck on attack and glides right back into hits he should have been free of and no DMG mitigation from shadowslip.
I ran with a another wizard I know who also has 190k power and his damage was about 30% higher across multiple runs.
Also, tested creeping death. Same bad results this time it's getting stuck at around 164 dmg per tick after killing flames, atwills, etc. Stayed at 164 for multiple rotations in logs and doesnt appear to change or stack though frequently it quits procing for a rotation or longer after a vorpal damage proc in log.
Attempted healer soulweaver in lomm again. First boss no problem, but heal magnitude still mediocre during charges with spark managment near impossible second and final boss. My paladin and cleric breeze though healing while warlock is a struggle at best in comparrison.
Still not sure where the warlock is supposed to sit in groups. Not tanky and unable to dodge properly (get stuck in attack animations so no damage reductions either), small magnitudes for dps and heals, doesnt play well with other warlocks due to cross curse consumption which can make it loose up to 35% damage. While classes like the wizard share chill stacks, roe, other buffs etc.
So absolutely no ones posting asking for a soulweaver lomm healer, let alone dps.
You can build a wizard, throw on %DMG gear, get to 160k power with all black ice, no ca cap any random augment at epic, any random weapon enchant and do 1m dmg daily. The encounter cooldown and ap gain is much better and can do dailys twice as often hitting 3x harder, 20 second encounters reduced to 13 seconds with 2x magnitudes.
The wizards at will does either 500-280 magnitude per second. Sadly ray of frost outperforms all warlocks daily, encounters and atwills alone.
With 2 wizard runs they can buff each other by 22% aand share chill stacks so max stacks instantly. My 160k power wizard can do 20% more damage than my maxed warlock. The second wizard at 190k does 40% more damage than than maxed warlock with 206kbase power 216k with sorbet, stat caps, 117 crit sev, vorpal, all %dmg gear,all leg comps, etc. Same holds true running with hr at same stats with dmg disparity. Cleric and barbi are at the same damage threshold while able to tank and heal or buff some on top.
Warlock class is poorly implemented, feats counter productive, broken, low magnitudes, mediocre dot and hot compared to other classes, subpar heal mechanics, buffs, class synergy, etc. Just lackluster in every aspect of the class whether dps or healer.
Might as well reskin the class holding a pact knife by the pointy end and animate it stabbing itself to visually match the class mechanics.